Page 142 of Chasing Hadley

Weird and sketchy, especially with everything going on.

“I’m headed over right now. Stay where you are.” I hang up and jump to my feet.

Then I grab my bag and sling the handle over my shoulder as Blaise rises to his feet, looking at me for an explanation.

“My sisters are home,” I explain, slipping on my shoes, which is weird because I can’t even remember taking them off.

“Really?” He ruffles his hair into place, his forehead furrowing. “How did that happen?”

“I literally have no idea. They just said some lady picked them up, said they were good to go home, then drove them here.” I sigh heavily. “I’m super excited and glad that they’re home, but it’s a little weird, isn’t it?”

“Definitely.” His puzzlement deepens. “Maybe I can call Darla a bit later and see if I can get more details about what’s going on.”

I shake my head. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I want to.” He offers me a small smile and gratitude overwhelms me.

Maybe I’m just really tired. Or perhaps yesterday, a day that I’ll one day refer to as the day that changed my life forever, simply messed with my head. Whatever the reason, that gratitude gets the best of me and I wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug, warmth flooding my chest and making my heart act stupid again.

“Thank you… for everything.” Then to add to my insanity, when I move back, I place a soft kiss on his lips, shocking us both. “Thank you,” I stupidly repeat.

Then I reel around to bolt, but he snags my sleeve, spins me around, and tows me back toward him until our lips brush. Just a feather soft kiss, yet I feel it all the way through my body.

“You always kiss me first, stubborn girl,” he mutters then leans back, his lips quirking. “I thought I’d mix it up a bit.”

All I can do is bob my head up and down. “Good idea.” I smash my quivering lips together to keep my breath from nervously rushing out. Then I throw him a wave and scramble out of the house.

This time he lets me go, but I can feel his gaze burning into me even after I exit the house.

But the second I step outside, all of my attention centers on one thing.

Jumping off the steps, I sprint toward the house where my sisters are waiting in the driveway, dressed in their pajamas. I can tell they’re exhausted, but when they spot me, they wake up a bit more. Then we’re running toward each other.

We meet near the fence, and I hop over and throw my arms around them.

“I missed you guys so much.” I hug them tightly, tears pooling in my eyes, but it doesn’t bother me as much as it normally does.

“We missed you so much too.” Bailey hugs the crap out of me.

Londyn wraps her arms around Bailey and me. “This can never happen again,” she whispers. “We can never be split up again.”

“I promise we won’t.” And I’ll do just about anything to make good on that promise.

“Can we just get inside? I’m freezing,” Payton mutters grumpily.

I become aware that she hasn’t hugged me yet, and that she’s standing a ways away, near the porch.

“What’s her deal?” I whisper softly enough that Payton won’t hear.

“She’s been acting like that for the last few hours,” Bailey whispers back, glancing worriedly at Payton. “I’m not sure why.”

“I think something might’ve happened to her,” Londyn mumbles. “But I’m not sure what. And getting her to talk about it is impossible.”

“What do you mean something happened to her?” Worry grasps my chest. “Like she got into a fight or something?”

“Maybe.” Londyn shrugs, stepping away from our little hugging circle. “Either that or someone said something to her that pissed her off.”

I glance in Payton’s direction and she rolls her eyes.