Page 101 of Chasing Hadley

I give her a bored expression. “I really doubt your father is going to be cool with me attending a party at his house.”

“Actually, I got a place of my own so it doesn’t matter what he thinks.” She traces her fingers up my arm. “I’m going to invite Rhyland, Alex, Jaxon, and Scarlett too.”

“Please don’t.” I pry her fingers off me. “Besides, they won’t go.”

“Well, that’s a shame.” Her lip juts out farther. “Am I really that unlikable?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

“You’re awful, Blaise Porterson. You really are.” Despite her words, amusement sparkles in her eyes.

She’s getting off on this—toying with me, trying to fuck with my head. It’s what she’s done for years now.

“Fine, I guess I won’t invite them.” She gives an innocent shrug then starts to spin around to leave but pauses. “I should probably tell you that I already invited Hadley Harlyton and she’s agreed to go.”

My pulse falters. No. There’s no way Hadley agreed to go to her party or that Amelia even invited her. No, this is about something else.

“Why would I care if Hadley was going?” I feign being dumb.

She shrugs. “I just assumed that you cared about her.”

“Why would you think that?” I question. “I barely know her.”

She raises her shoulders with a malicious grin on her face. “I just assumed since you were doing a favor for her this morning by coming over to her house and getting her car so she could avoid dealing with William.” She places a palm on my chest, her eyes darkening. “What I’d really like to know is why.”

My heart rate is all over the place and I’m sure she can feel it.

“You’re wrong.” I step back, pissed at how frazzled she’s gotten me. How did she know what I was doing this morning? Were they watching me and Hadley after I thought they left? “I wasn’t doing Hadley any favors this morning. I don’t do anyone favors.”

“Except for your brothers and sister, right?” She glances over at the bathrooms that Scarlett ran into.

“Leave her alone,” I warn. “I mean it, Amelia.”

“Leave who alone?” She bats her eyelashes at me. “Scarlett? Or your sweet next-door neighbor?”

I snort a laugh. “Sweet next-door neighbor? Are you shitting me right now? Hadley could—and would—kick your prissy ass just for saying that.”

Her lips curl into a pleased grin. “You do like her, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t,” I lie, turning toward the classroom as the bell rings.

“Come to my party, Blaise,” she shouts out after me. “If you don’t, you’ll regret it.”

I shake my head, feeling a headache coming on. A headache only Amelia seems to bring out of me.

She’s seriously got me worried. Sure, she may look like a prissy, spoiled, rich brat—and she is—but she’s also conniving, vindictive, and gets off on toying with people’s emotions.

The last thing I want is for her to be paying attention to anyone around me, but it seems like she’s doing the exact opposite. And that has me extremely worried that hell is about to rain down, more so than it already is.



My wrist is throbbing,my face is tender, and my head is pulsating. What a freakin’ day. And it’s only half over. I wish I could go home, take a nap, then spend the night chatting with my sisters. Usually when I’m feeling down, that’s what makes me feel better. But that’s not an option right now.

Well, at least it’s lunchtime.

Then again, I’m supposed to be having lunch with Scarlett Porterson, a decision I’m kicking myself in the ass for agreeing to. Not that I don’t like Scarlett. I barely know her and considering what her dad did to me earlier…