Page 52 of Chasing Hadley

To busy myself, I retrieve my phone and message Londyn.

Me: Everything go good this morning?

Londyn: Yep. We’re all good. Even Payton didn’t put up too much of a fuss about going. After yesterday, I thought she might, but she seemed okay. The only weird thing is that I tried to go into Dad’s room to grab the spare key to your car because I lost mine, and his door was locked.

Me: Yeah, I know. I caught him locking it up this morning. He seemed really sketchy about it, too, but that’s Dad for you. And FYI, Dad doesn’t have a spare key to my car anymore. I took it away that time he took my car and didn’t return it for three days.

Londyn: Oh! I’m so glad you did, but I wish you’d told me. Could have saved me some time this morning.

Me: Yeah, sorry about that. I put the spare key under my mattress. Are you guys still at the house? Because it’s late.

Londyn: No, we made it to school.

Me: Oh, did you find your key then?

Londyn: Not exactly.

Me: Okay … Did you get a ride with Dad then?

Londyn: Ha, what a funny joke.

I chuckle, yet I’m still confused.

Me: How did you get to school then? Did you walk?

Londyn: Well, we were going to, even though it was really late, but … Look, promise me you won’t get mad, because we did get to school on time and nothing bad happened.

I rest back in the seat and prop my feet onto the dash as I type.

Me: I’m not going to get mad. You’re responsible. I trust your judgment.

Londyn: But I may have screwed up a bit with this one, but only because I panicked about us all being late to school. I tried to call Hunter for a ride, because he’s like the only person I know in this town, but he didn’t answer, so I decided we were going to walk and just be late. But on our way out, someone else we sort of know saw us and asked if we needed a ride. At first, I declined because this person is a straight-up jerk. Or, well, he seemed that way at first, but then I realized we were going to be super late, and Bailey and Payton were complaining, and I panicked, and … I’m so sorry!

Me: Sorry for what? For accepting a ride? You’re acting really weird.

Londyn: Not just for accepting a ride. For accepting a ride from our neighbors.

Me: Wait. You got a ride with the Portersons?

Londyn: Yeah, Rhyland and Jaxon anyway. I’m sorry. I love you, and I’m still unsure about them. I just become a terrible decision-maker when I’m desperate. I’m so, so sorry. I feel like I stabbed you in the back. Please don’t hate me.

Me: Why would I hate you? You needed to find a ride to school, so you found one. And Rhyland and Jaxon don’t seem too terrible, I guess. Well, Rhyland doesn’t. Jaxon’s too quiet to tell for sure.

Londyn: I know, but still … I said all those bad things about them and told everyone we should stay away from them. I’m a complete hypocrite. And you made that bet so they’d leave us alone, and then we ended up being around them anyway.

Me: The bet wasn’t a waste. It gives us assurance that shit like the flyer incident won’t happen again. And besides, Alex was the main culprit behind that. And the tires. Not Rhyland or Jaxon.

Londyn: I know, but I still feel awful.

Me: Well, don’t. Part of being in charge is putting others’ needs before yours. You needed a ride, so you got a ride, and no one was late. You did good, sis.

Londyn: If you say so, but I still feel a bit like a traitor. At least tell me you’re doing okay. That Blaise hasn’t been too awful.

Me: I’m fine. And Blaise is okay, I guess. At least he’s been less cocky this morning.

Londyn: That’s good. Did you have to do the favor yet?

I hesitate. While I lie to my sisters a lot, it’s mostly to protect them. If I don’t tell her the truth now, though, it’s to protect Blaise and Alex. But I made a promise to Blaise, and since I understand that protective need toward my siblings, the idea of confessing his secret doesn’t feel right.