Page 180 of Chasing Hadley

“Yeah.” I follow him out of the house and to the SUV parked in the driveway without saying much of anything, my mind stuck on all the bad things that could be happening to Payton.

Once we climb into his SUV, I buckle my seatbelt and fish my phone out to text my sisters and give them a heads-up that I may have found Payton.

Alex seems pretty content with my silence, remaining quiet as he starts up the engine and steers out onto the street.

I contemplate what to tell my sisters before finally deciding to send them a vague message, figuring I’ll explain more when I get home. That way, they won’t sit around panicking.

Me: I think I found where Payton is. You guys head home. I’ll give you an update as soon as I have one.

Their responses ping through before I can even put my phone away.

Londyn: Where is she?

Bailey: We want to go with you to get her.

I blow out a breath. I should’ve known they wouldn’t accept my vague response.

Me: She’s at a party, and I’m already heading over there. I’ll be home soon.

Londyn: Don’t do this. Don’t shut us out.

I get where she’s coming from, but I can’t tell her the truth. If I did, she’d freak out. Plus, I want to keep my sisters as far away as possible from anything that has to do with August Porterson until I can sit down and talk with them about what’s been going on.

Me: I promise I’m not shutting you out. I really am heading over there already, and the party she’s at is kinda sketchy, so I’d rather you guys not be there.

Londyn: Look, we get that you want to keep us out of trouble, but Pay is our sister, too, and we want to be there for her. And, how the hell are you even heading there when we have your car?

I chew on my lip, deliberating. I want to lie—it’s my first instinct—but the truth of me being with Alex will eventually get back to them, either through rumors around town or from Payton.

Me: I’m with Alex. And yeah, I know that’s weird, but he was the only one home when I went next door. But he knows where Payton is, so I had to go with him.

Londyn: Alex! You’re with Alex Porterson? Did you lose your damn mind?

Bailey: Please tell me you’re kidding.

I let out a quiet sigh.

“Everything okay?” Alex asks, giving me a sidelong glance.

“Do you really care about the answer?” I retort with my fingers hovering over my phone.

He gives a half-shrug. “Not really.”

“Okay, then don’t ask.” I return to texting.

Me: I’m not kidding.

Londyn: You know he could be messing with you, right? It’s his MO.

Me: I know that, but he does know where all the parties are. And I don’t really have a lot of other options at the moment since I can’t get a hold of Blaise or Rhyland.

Londyn: Fine, I guess I see your point. Just be careful. Bailey and I will go home. But text me if you need us to come pick you up.

Me: Okay. I’ll see you soon.

I shove my phone into my pocket and stare out the window, watching the houses blur by, my mind crammed with so much worry that it feels like it’s going to explode. My chest feels pressurized, like it’s about to crack, and my mom’s voice keeps filling my head, reminding me to breathe. I wonder if other eighteen-year-olds ever feel this stressed out. Maybe. Blaise probably does, but he’s in a similar situation as I am—parentless, his father a straight-up asshole.

Speaking of fathers …