Page 30 of Tasting Clementine

“But I’m not going to fuck you, Clementine,” he says. “Your filthy loose pussy has already been used today. No, a girl like you must be taught a lesson you’ll never forget. A lesson that will make you think twice before you decide to fuck your pets again.”

He takes my feet out of the stirrups and uses the extra restraints on the bed to wrap around my thighs and tie my ankles, leaving me lying flat and spread open. He undoes the clasps holding my wrists at my sides and forces my arms above my head before binding my wrists together again and locking them to a chain. I’m completely immobilized.

Daddy enjoys controlling me. It gets him off. I used to enjoy his punishments. Sometimes I’d even break the rules intentionally. It’s not the first time I would have fucked a pet to get at him. It used to be a game we’d play together, but this time feels different.

All that matters is that Daddy doesn’t suspect August. He’s happy for me to fuck his friends, but he wouldn’t appreciate sharing me with his son. After August’s repulsion when he walked in on Daddy testing his new toy on me, he would never suspect that August was capable of crossing the line either.

“I’ll be right back,” Daddy says.

He strolls to the special cupboard. It’s as tall as me and where he keeps his prototypes. I’m always the first to try them. I don’t have a good view from my position, but he takes his time to make his selections. In this part of the basement, Daddy’s special playroom, there are no peepholes for August to watch through.

“This will do for a start,” Daddy declares.

“What is it, Daddy?”

He doesn’t answer but approaches me with scissors and cuts my slip down the middle. The fabric splits in a jagged line. When he’s done, he grabs the material, bunches it into a ball, and forces it into my mouth.

“You lost the right to address me after you broke our agreement,” he snarls, returning to the cupboard to retrieve his toys.

He twirls steel nipple clamps in his hands. My nipples have always been sensitive enough that I can come from gentle stimulation, but these clamps are going to take me beyond that point. Daddy is unapologetic as he clamps them on tightly. My nipples bulge as the blood rushes to them. They tingle and beg to be touched, but Daddy isn’t going to satisfy me. He’s already made that clear.

“You’re not going to get a release,” Daddy reaffirms. “Not unless I order you to. We could be here for hours.”

Denying pleasure and robbing me of the sensations my body craves is torturous. I remember how amazing August’s mouth felt latched on my nipples, and my clit swells.

Daddy hums, retrieving black tape and sticking it over my mouth, not caring that my hair is getting caught in it. The duct tape forces the slip deep into my mouth, but I can still breathe... just about. He then puts a black hood over my head. It has slits near my nostrils for oxygen, but I can’t see. I’m entirely at Daddy’s mercy.

Time stretches on for what could be minutes or hours, but he doesn’t touch me. My nipples throb, and my skin prickles from his watchful gaze. Just as I’m starting to relax and think this may be my punishment, an electric shock to my nipples makes my body jolt.

Seconds later, an icy dildo forces its way inside my vagina. It feels like I’m being fucked by Frosty the Snowman. Daddy is being true to his word and not touching me, but I crave human contact. This is lifeless compared to August’s hot throbbing cock that spilled his seed in me hours ago.

“Let that greedy pussy swallow it up,” Daddy murmurs. “You like that, don’t you, Flora? You like it when your body is fucking helpless and under my control.”

My thighs clench.

Flora was my mom’s name and hearing it is like a stab to the gut. Daddy continues to thrust into me hard. Suddenly, he pulls the dildo out. When I think he might be done, another giant toy pushes between my lips. I’m dripping, but it’s so big that my pussy stings as it stretches to try and accommodate it.

“Good girl, Flora,” Daddy says. “You’re gonna take everything I give you.”

When he’s not happy, he calls me Flora. I’m not sure whether it’s because he misses her or because he knows it annoys me. I used to get jealous when he called me Flora. My mom’s the only woman he’s ever loved. He’s never had a girlfriend since. The only person he’s fucked is me. I’m the last piece of her he has left, and I hate her for it—not because Daddy fucks me, but because he only fucks me because I’m part of her.

My body jolts as he rams the monster dildo in and out. It’s not pleasurable. I only feel pain until I feel his hot breath against my clit. I wiggle and push my hips forward, but he laughs and slaps my clit hard. The sensation sends a tingle of pleasure through me. I want a mouth on there, licking and sucking until I come undone, but Daddy withdraws the toy again.

Footsteps walk away. The door creaks, then nothing.

My pussy drips over the bed and between my thighs, weeping August’s cum like it was a mistake when all I want to do is hold it in there.

Tears fill my eyes behind the hood. I want to reach down and stroke the heat between my legs, but I’m suspended. I’m tied down until Daddy says I can leave. Panic rises in my chest as my breathing grows more ragged. The heat from having the hood over my face catches up with me.

How long will it be until he comes back?

Will I suffocate in here?

Daddy wants to teach me a lesson, I remind myself, not kill me.

Hours pass by, or at least I think they do.

It’s not the first time he’s punished me this way, but it’s the longest it’s lasted. Being alone gives me time to think about Daddy and everything he’s done for me. He built my den for my special projects, shared me with his friends, and put my pleasure above all else... then, there’s August. I’m drawn to him. I have been since we first met, but I can’t have them both. My mind is a chaotic and confusing mess.