Page 38 of Tasting Clementine

“I’m not hungry,” I reply.

“A small piece!” she pleads. “Sit down and have one, please!”

“We should leave you to rest,” Daddy says, standing and taking the cake with him. He turns to me. “Your sister needs to be ready for tonight, and so do you.”

I nod abruptly and turn to leave. I may have a plan, but so does he.

“August?” Clemmie calls after me. I turn, and she grins; her entire face lights up. She really is an angel. “Happy birthday.”

“Happy birthday,” I mumble.

I’ll make sure it’s a birthday she won’t forget.



It’sa good thing Daddy took the cake away. My stomach aches and feels like it’s about to burst, but it was so delicious. It was the kind of cake that people dream about.

I’ll spend the rest of the day making myself beautiful, especially now I know that August will be attending the party. I will take a long bath until my body smells of roses. No matter how often I exfoliate, I can’t seem to get the rank smell of death out of my pores.

The tub is running when I hear a soft knock on the door. I pad out in my robe, expecting Daddy will have arrived with my new dress.

I open it partially and see August.

“August.” My eyes widen. “You can’t come in.”

Not when Daddy’s home. It’s too risky. Daddy wouldn’t like him in here unchaperoned.

August doesn’t listen and steps inside. He puts his hand over my mouth. “We don’t have long, so I need you to listen to every word I’m gonna say.”

I nod.

I’ve never seen him this serious before.

“We’re getting out of here tonight, Clemmie,” he says with determination. “We’re gonna leave that party together. Me and you, okay? I’m not leaving without you. We’ll explore the fucking world just like we talked about.”

My heart races.

August’s eyes burn with a furious intensity that tells me he is willing to do anything. I see myself in him. I recognize the murderous rage, and it sends tingles to my pussy. August gets it. I see it now. He understandsme.

When he reluctantly pulls his hand away, I whisper, “You’re gonna hurt Daddy, aren’t you?”

“Don’t worry about what I’m gonna do,” he says. “Focus on our new life together and leave him to me. In the meantime, pretend that nothing is wrong. Can you do that, Clemmie?”

I nod again.

“I love you, Clementine Jackson,” August says, closing the gap between us. “If we don’t leave tonight, he will find out and find a way to stop us, and I want you. I want you all to myself forever. Do you want that too?”

“Yes,” I breathe.

“Good,” he growls, taking my face into his hands.

His kiss steals my oxygen. I whimper in longing as his tongue plunges into my mouth, tasting me and taking my fucking soul with it. His hard cock presses against me, and I have to have him. He can’t push me away without making a noise Daddy might hear. I paw at the front of his jeans, pulling his zipper down and tugging his cock free.

He holds my ass and hoists me into the air.

“After tonight, everything changes, Clemmie,” he murmurs.