Page 65 of The Brazen One

“She’s got a wall up, man,” Beau says, and I don’t disagree.

“The wall came down at the cabin. We fuckin’... we laughed together. We had fun.” I push my thumb into my chest. “Ihad fuckin’ fun.Ilaughed.” I shake my head in disbelief, and Beau’s doing the same.

“But I don’t know; when we got back, it felt like it was a weekend deal. Like once she got back around people, she went back to this version of herself. The one that doesn’t like me.”

I don’t tell him how I sat outside her apartment for half an hour debating on whether or not I should fight the shit in my chest for her before ultimately going inside and owning her sweet little pussy and tight ass.

I scratch at the side of my jaw. “Plus, she’s got a lot of shit goin’ on right now.” That’s an excuse for me to stay hidden and safe, and we both know it.

Beau leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Well,right now,she’s actually on a date.” My gaze flies to him, and he glances down at his watch. “Almost. Twenty more minutes.”

“Who the fuck with?”

Beau winces. “Some dude that was interviewing at the same time as her.”

I shake my head. “Some dude crawled for numbers at a job interview while unemployed?”

Beau chuckles. “Apparently.”

“And Goldie said yes to this unemployed douchebag who hits on fellow job interview candidates, did she?”

He nods.

“Of fuckin’ course she did.”

“What’s that mean?” Beau asks.

“Did you know her ex-boyfriend is that fuckin’ clown Reynold Porter from the San Francisco Brutes?”

His brows wrinkle as he consults Google on his phone. “Oh fuck,thatguy? He’s a complete jackass.”

I nod. “No shit.”

“She doesn’t pick ‘em well.”

I glare at Beau.

“Untilnow,” he tries to recover with a crooked smile, but I wave him off.

I nod. “Where’s he taking her?” When I ask this question, I really don’t have any ill intentions brewing. But then his response makes my blood boil. My temper incinerates, and my fists curl. “The dumpling place we like.”

I growl at that.

“Ahh,” Beau pats his chest. “Are you sentimental about our place?”

I hook my thumb into my chest again. “That’smyfuckin’ place, not his. And if anyone should take her there, it should be me.”

Beau raises his eyebrows, blinking slowly. “I agree. If you and Goldie were a couple, oh my god, we could hang out all the time, man. The girls love being together.”

I blink at him. “Do I seem like I want to hang out all the time?” I scratch the back of my head, trying to let him down easily. Beau’s not a bad guy. “I'm too old to “hang out all the time,” man.”

He shakes his head. “I reject that. But I support you and Goldie.”

I sigh and admit the uncomfortable, cringey truth. “I don’t know if she likes me.”

Beau tips his head to the side and smirks a little. It annoys me, but he’s out of arm's reach, so I sit on it. “I think she does.”

I'm not sure why those four words have me on my feet and grabbing my flannel. But when I’m behind the wheel of my truck, headed toward King-Dum I have nothing on my mind except getting to her.