Page 63 of The Brazen One

He made sure I heard all of that but didn’t pull me aside and tell me himself, nor did he congratulate me for getting the job. So the new Goldie says fuck him. No matter how monstrous his cock is (and from what I remember of the outline in his sweats, I’m sweating) or how primally sexy I find him (I want to twist my fingers in his greasy hair and shove his head between my legs… who am I?), if he doesn’t want me, I refuse to want him.

New leaf, new me, all that shit.

Atticus offers to help put food away and clean up, Beck takes Jett to the nursery to feed him before bed, and then it’s just Beau and me at the table.

He drums his fingers along the tabletop. Atticus is close enough that if he cared a single iota, he could listen to our conversation. That’s how I know I’m free to say whatever.

He’s not listening.

But when Beau speaks, his voice is so low that I almost can’t hear him. “You didn’t eat.”

I lean in and drop my voice, my eyes instinctively flicking over to Atticus. Relief washes over me, seeing his focus is on the dishes, broad, muscular back toward us. “I did,” I say, knowing we both know it’s a lie. I turn my attention to the third bottle in my hands and begin peeling the label away.

“Goldie,” he says, still quiet. Still respectful. And I’m not sure I deserve it.

“I had a bad phone call with my Mom, remember? I can’t eat when I’m upset. That’s all it is,” I whisper hiss, feeling my head get a little woozy. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, stress, Beau’s pointed accusation, or everything, but I suddenly don’t feel well at all. I lean back from him and speak in my normal tone. “I think I’m going to head home.” I stand up from the table and leave the almost completely full beer. I don’t need it anyway, especially now that I’m driving.

Atticus doesn’t turn around.

“Bye,” I call to his back, just feet away, with my hands cupped to my mouth.

He doesn’t turn. “Bye.”

I roll my eyes. You know what? I don’t need this asshole, and I don’t need Beau’s distrust of my response. I can’t eat when I’m stressed; I have never been able to. It’s not a problem, I’m fine.

I march down the hall and find Beck, who is on her way out of Jett’s nursery. After a few very well-performed reasons why I had to go, we hug, and I’m out the front door in less than two minutes.

Today was a good day, goddamnit. I’m not going to let some dirty fucker I hardly know who only made me cum one time (but holy mother of god, was it good) makes me feel insecure, and I’m sure as shit not letting my mother make me feel bad.

I got a job. I said real shit in that interview. I was more me than I’d ever been, and I got the job.Fuck ‘em all.

When I get back to my apartment, I pull out the phone number of the guy interviewing for Ms. Laws’ position. Since I got hired, it's safe to say that he and I can date since we won’t be working at the same place. I close my eyes and try to conjure him up so I can get excited about making the call.

He was blonde, right? Yeah. I nod, but all I can see is Atticus’s mouth sealed to my wet cunt as I look down between my open legs.

Fuck it. I type his number into my phone and hit call.

“Hello?” The voice must belong to him because it is his number. It’s not a voice that makes heat surge up my spine, and it doesn’t give me a warm tingle where it matters. But it’s the voice of a single male who owns at least one suit that I know of and is actively out there trying for a better job.

“Hi, Kurt, this is Goldie. From Gonzo Auto last week. How are you?”

He pauses a moment, and Jesus Christ, does this man not remember me? I’m about to hang up when he says, “Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, reunited.”

That makes me snort. “Well, that’s up to you. That’s why I’m calling.”

“Damn, Goldie. You’re smooth. Did you hear that line you just used on me?”

I grin and press a palm to my cheek. “Whatever, there was no line! You set me up,” I tease, immediately so fucking happy that I gave Kurt a call.

Becauseheis clearly interested in me.



Everything about Goldie has me possessive

“Dude,I wasn’t going to say anything because I kept thinking you’d… get better.”