Page 57 of The Brazen One

She goes to drop her face to the pillow, but I yank it away and toss it to the other side of the bed. “Don’t hide. Be real.”

Chewing the inside of her mouth, she looks up at me again. “Will you kiss me? I want to know what I taste like.”

I ain’t never crashed my mouth down on someone’s mouth so fast. Her tongue sweeps my mouth, spreading me wide like I just spread her. She sucks my bottom lip, nibbles my tongue, moans, and feeds her hand up the back of my neck through my hair. My dick jumps.

When we part, we’re both breathless, and neither of us expected it.

“Well?” I grunt, forcing rigidity into my voice.

“Salty,” she says, her eyes flicking between mine. “And sweet. And… I don’t know. I don’t know what I thought I tasted like but it’s… interesting.”

I drop my hand between her legs and slide my fingers into her with ease. She’s still wet and swollen, and her body melts a little as I make a quick pass. I bring my fingers to my lips, the way I tasted hers Sunday night.

I lick her off me with a low groan. “Heaven.”

Her cheeks flush a little. “I can’t believe I…you know.”

“Squirted,” I grin at how tortured she is by the word, but I also grin because it was her first time. That means… she liked how I handled her body, which fills me with an alpha caveman pride I can’t explain.

And I want another hit of how she makes me feel.

“Don’t keep saying it,” she laughs softly, pressing a finger to my lips. Our eyes hold, and this simple, playful gesture has some intimacy vibe to it that, again, neither of us expected. Her hand falls to her lap. “I would’ve helped you, you know.” She motions to the bathroom, where the door stands open.

I shake my head and use arrogance to my advantage. “Don’t think you’re ready for me yet. Besides,” I bump my knee into hers, “thought I was too old and smelly for you.”

Her jaw drops, but she recovers quickly. “I don’t think you’re old and smelly.”

I lift a brow. “That right?”

She gnaws the inside of her cheek a little, eyes flicking between mine. “Okay, you aren’t my normal type, and I have teased you about your age, yes, but I don’t actually think you’re old. And… I may have referred to your scent as less than desirable in the past. But I think you know I love the way you smell.”

She’s honest, and I like that. And even though she’s wearing a playful little smile, I know there’s truth to her words. I know what she really thinks of a man like me. I ain’t her forever guy. I’m not the one she gets her picket fence and diamond ring from.

I pat her leg and stand up, making my way to the door before she has a chance to stop me. Before I leave, I turn the burner back on and cup my hands to my mouth, shouting down her small hallway. “Come eat soup; I turned it back on.”

She pads down the hallway, looking a little drunk with her hazy eyes and wild dark hair. Her robe is tied now, and that small act of privacy has my walls up. I pull open her apartment door before she reaches me and close it behind me.

I’m hustling down the stairs when she opens her door, sticks her head out, and says, “Atticus.”

I look over my shoulder up at her in the night-filled hall. “What’s up?”

“You’re going?”

I nod. “We ain’t havin’ a sleepover just because I ate your ass. Eat that soup and get to bed.”

She could be pissed, but I don’t stay to see it or get an earful. She’s made it clear she ain’t lookin’ for a man like me. I’ll make her cum, but until she meets the next Reynold fuckin’ Porter, I know I’m just a filler.

* * *

I goto bed as soon as I get home, telling myself I’m too tired to shower tonight. Truth is, I ain’t even bein’ real with myself. I wanna keep her on me as long as possible, in case the next Reynold comes along sooner rather than later.

I punch my pillow and force my eyes shut. As I drift off, I keep seeing Goldie’s fingers drumming on my parents’ kitchen table, right next to that blue nail polish.



Fuck ‘em all