Page 104 of The Brazen One

Then we do the most sickening thing in the world. We make out. The feeling of his cock rubbing against my bare skin, leaving precum on my belly as our mouths put our jaws to the test, opening and closing against one another for so long. My nipples rub against his chest, getting hard and irritated, and my pussy grows damp, preparing for more.

But when our kiss finally breaks, he sits up and takes me with him.

“I don’t skip meals. Let’s eat.”

I grin, ready to make a joke, but he stops me by placing my hand at the base of his fucking impressive cock. Seriously, they should make movies and write books about his cock alone.

“There, you horn dog. You can feel dessert while you watch me make dinner,” he teases in his dry, deadpan tone that I actually find supremely sexy.

Atticus brings me peace and comfort with his demeanor, and I think when someone brings you all the pieces you didn’t even know you were missing, you’re supposed to hang onto them.

* * *

I wrapmy arms around his waist and press my cheek to his carved back. His skin is warm, and his body is hard, but he softens as my hug intensifies.

Resting one hand on mine linked at his waist, he uses the other to continue mixing the food simmering in the pan.

Atticus made fried rice.

From scratch.

In my tiny kitchen with like one kitchen tool and a handful of ingredients and spices.

I’m impressed.

And more so,I’m hungry.

“Hey, I’m having lunch with my Mom tomorrow on my lunch break,” I start, loving how his hand strokes mine as he listens. He doesn’t call a lot of attention to the subtle ways he takes care of me. I feel cherished in a way no one has ever made me feel.

“Is that right,” he says, the sound of the wooden spoon scraping the bottom of the pan making my stomach growl.

“Yeah, it’s her birthday. Or,forher birthday. But anyway, I’m just popping out on lunch break. She’s made it this huge deal that she’s driving here to see me on her birthday, and I’m not even taking the day off, but…”

“You don’t want to take the day off of a job you like to be with someone who makes you feel bad,” Atticus finishes my sentence, and I hold him a bit tighter.

“Pretty much,” I deadpan, wondering how long it takes people to turn into their significant others. I’ve heard that happens, and truthfully, I could use a less chipper smile and more deadpan on my end. It’d probably do me good. “But I wanted to know if you would come to lunch with me?” I swallow hard.

He told me he loved me. I didn’t say it back right then because I didn’t want him to think I was just saying it back for the sake of it. I know how I feel, though.

I’m just not ready to say it yet. It doesn’t mean it’s not in my heart.

And pussy.

“I want you to meet my Mom,” I add hastily, so he knows it’s not an afterthought or even a second-hand invitation. I do want them to meet. And in truth, I know I finally have an ally. And until I’m strong on my feet mentally, I think an ally would serve me well.

And that’s what I’m about these days. Things that serveme.

I nuzzle close to him, feeling safe. “You have wonderful parents. I am almost embarrassed for you to meet my Mom,” I admit, the humiliation of Constance Berry making my face hot. He twists under my arms to face me after sliding the pan off the burner.

There’s no soft tip of my chin with Atticus. With both hands, he grabs me. Not hard but not gentle either. His thumbs press hard against my cheekbones as his fingers wrap around the back of my neck.

“There’s no room for embarrassment.I told you that.” He brings his mouth to mine, whispering his affection. “You’re so goddamn perfect; nothin’ could stop me now. Not evenher.” He seals those words into me with his mouth, and greedily, I eat them up. When he releases me, I miss his harsh grip and tender words. But he turns back to the stove, plating up the rice. I hold out my hand for a plate, and he rolls his eyes, nodding me toward the table.

I sit, scowling at him for not letting me take my own damn plate.

“I’mbringin’ it toyou,baby. That’s how it works with me.”

I cock an eyebrow. “So you’re gonna roll your eyes at me and then feed meevery single night, huh?”