Page 66 of Lennox

My eyes meet his, and I see the gleam of truth twinkling in his eyes. “You want me, not just any woman.”

“You won’t be finding out, Rialta. Not until you beg for it.”

I won’t beg.

But I don’t think he’ll be able to resist. I make my move.

I grab his boxer briefs and slide them quickly down his body just as I did his jeans, until he’s naked in front of me. I’m still kneeling, and my eyes glaze over, staring at his glorious cock, just begging for me to suck it.

I’ve never wanted to suck a cock more. I’m entranced by the way it grows larger under my gaze.

Kit flicks into my head, and I realize how easy it would be to pretend that Lennox’s cock is Kit’s.

But I don’t want to.

The words hit me like a bullet to the heart. I wasn’t expecting to feel this way.

Lennox stands and walks around me, leaving me empty. “I’m not fucking you and letting you pretend I’m him. And I’m not fucking you so that you can forget him, either. You’re not going to use me.”

I hear hurt, anger, and pain in his voice. I’ve disappointed him when all he’s ever done is try to protect me.

I’m still kneeling as I turn to face him. “If I’m thinking about him, it’s only because I realize how truly over my relationship with him really is.”

Lennox narrows his eyes at me as I speak—cautiously suspicious of every word I’m saying.

“Kit didn’t cheat on me. I broke up with him. I ended things. It’s over.” I pause, letting my words sink in. My eyes meet his, and I pour every emotion I have into my gaze. I let him see how vulnerable I am, how truthful I’m being.

“I want you, Lennox—not to heal my broken heart, but just because I want you. I’ve wanted you for a long time, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself, let alone you. I’ve wanted you since you saved me on our wedding night.”

Lennox doesn’t speak, so I have no idea if he believes me. No idea if my words mean anything. So finally, I say the words that he wants to hear.

“Please, Lennox. Please fuck me. Please let me suck your cock. Please, I’m begging you.”



I stareat Rialta kneeling on the floor in front of me. She’s half-naked, her breasts begging me to touch them, along with the words that fell from her pretty lips. She’s a complete fucking disaster. Her jeans are covered in Hayes’s blood, her hair is draped messily over one shoulder, and her makeup is smeared. And yet my cock thinks she’s the most beautiful, sexy woman in the whole world—like she’s fucking Aphrodite or something.

Gone is any thought of the attack we just endured or what the implications of it are. Gone is my worry for Hayes or that we could be attacked again. All I can focus on is her.

Jesus, what am I doing?

I know what I’m about to do, and it’s probably one of the most foolish things I’ve ever done.

Rialta’s not telling me the whole truth. I’m not sure I believe that she’s not thinking about him or that she doesn’t want to fuck me just to piss him off or erase memories of him from her mind. But I am convinced that this is what she truly wants. If I do fuck her, she’s not going to have regrets two minutes later. Regardless of whatever happened in the past, this is what she wants going forward.

I can’t fault her for lying. I’m not telling the entire truth either, so it’s only fair that she’s doing the same.

God, do I fucking want her.

But fucking her would make my life easier and harder at the same time. It’s what I’ve wanted, what I’ve been working toward this whole time. I needed to get rid of that asshole to have a chance for her to fall in love with me. I have the better part of a year left to make it happen. And this is that first step.

Please—her words make my cock twitch, and it takes everything inside me not to run over to her, fist her hair, and part her lips with my cock down her throat.

Now to test how sincere her begging really is.

I crook my finger at her, telling her to come here with a single action. I doubt she will obey; she likes to fight me at every turn.