Page 62 of Lennox

“We have nothing left to say. You made it clear where your loyalties lie. I know you don’t care about me, but I thought you cared about Hayes and Gage. I thought you wouldn’t sentence them to death so you can frolic with that bastard.”

“He is a bastard,” I quickly reply.

Lennox snaps his head in my direction. His eyes hone in on me, unsure if he heard me correctly.

I take the moment to walk toward him and put a hand on his forearm.

He yanks his arm away as he gazes at me.

“What happened? Did Kit kick you to the curve after he realized his life was at stake?”

I swallow hard. “No.” Tears suddenly reappear to stain my eyes. “I found him in bed with another woman.”

Lennox snickers.

“It’s not funny!” I snap, my voice breaking.

“I told you it wasn’t real love. One of you would eventually hurt the other.”

“You want to tell me you told me so? Then do it.”

“I told you so.”

“Asshole,” I breathe.

“Never claimed to be anything different. Maybe you’ll come to your senses now that he’s out of your life and stop being so fucking reckless.”

He starts to walk past me, but I brush my hand over his arm again. He growls like I’ve stabbed him instead of brushing his bare skin, colored with a dark tattoo and a smear of blood.

“Stop. Doing. That.”

I shake my head. “Help me,” I whisper.

“I’ve helped you enough. I’m tired of helping you. Maybe it’s timeyouhelpedme.”

“It will help you too.”

He pauses, his eyes turning dark as he realizes what I’m talking about. I don’t know how he’s going to react. This is the worst time to push him, but if I don’t do it now, I’ll never do it.

He chuckles. “You can’t be serious?”

I turn on my puppy dog eyes. “I am.”

He shakes his head. “You’re delusional if you think I’m going to touch you.”

I grind my teeth together. This is hard enough; of course, he’s not going to make it easier on me.

“You will. It’s what you’ve wanted this entire time. We made a bet, and you want to win. You’ll fuck me because I’m offering. You’ll win your stupid bet. And you’ll get everything you want—me included.”

He cocks an eyebrow, and a wolfish grin spreads over his face. “You think I still want you after everything?”

“You do.”

“Hmmm.” His eyes peruse up and down my body. “What I see is a naive and heartbroken woman in desperate need of a shower, not a woman I want to fuck.”

Jesus, he’s going to milk this.

He’s going to make me beg, going to make me turn him on. He’s punishing me for what he perceives as my fault.