Page 42 of Lennox

“He wasn’t innocent,” she counters.

“He didn’t deserve to die.”

“No one does, but we all die eventually,” she shrugs casually.

I shake my head, letting the viciousness spread through me as I back her into a corner. My body pushes her without making physical contact.

“Last night, I wasn’t in control.”

“You were—”

“No, I wasn’t in control. I unleashed who I was in order to have the kind of anger I needed to be believable.”

I slam my hands on the wall behind her head, making her jump. “I hurt you. And I was seconds away from hurting you worse, maiming you so badly that you would never recover. You would have finally understood the true meaning of hating me. You’re not safe with me. I’m not your protector, so don’t thank me. Next time, I won’t be able to hold onto the little bit of control I have.”

I release my hands slowly and walk toward the stairs.

“No, you weren’t.”

I pause and look back at her.

“You weren’t about to rape me. And you didn’t hurt me.”

She’s wrong, so wrong, but I don’t correct her. I just go downstairs and hope that, for once she does as she’s told and goes to sleep.



I come downstairsin one of Lennox’s clean white T-shirts and black boxer briefs. I was too lazy to dig out my own pajamas last night. And I’m too exhausted from tossing and turning all night to bother putting on clothes or even untangling my hair. I tuck my phone into the waistband of the briefs before heading downstairs.

I barely slept last night. All I could think about was his pain and heartache. I don’t understand what he lost, but he feels it all the way to his bones. And he feels responsible for the loss. He failed whoever was taken from him before—that much is clear.

I temporarily went insane last night, feeling like he actually cared about me. I actually felt like a fool for not breaking things off with Kit and trying to make a go with Lennox. He was kind when he didn’t need to be, and we are stuck in this marriage for the long haul. It would be best for everyone if Lennox and I were to get along.

But after his reaction last night, I know why I’ll cling to Kit with every part of my being. Lennox got under my skin last night, but I won’t let it happen again.

I take a deep breath near the bottom of the stairs, prepared to deal with a grumpy Lennox. I loudly hop down the last step, hoping the sound will awaken Lennox.

“He’s not here,” a male voice says from the kitchen.

I stare at the couch to find it in perfect condition. Apparently, Lennox didn’t sleep there last night. Turning toward the kitchen, I find Hayes has breakfast prepared on a plate and is pouring a cup of coffee.

“Oh,” I say, walking toward one of the two kitchen bar stools.

“He’s one of those people who wakes up before noon,” Hayes says with a mischievous grin.

“It’s much earlier than noon,” I say, glancing around, trying to find a clock.

“Barely,” Hayes grins. “I should have made you lunch instead of breakfast.”

I eye the breakfast sandwich and smell the coffee. “Breakfast food is my favorite. I’d eat it for lunch and dinner, too, if I could.”

“Then, good thing I made breakfast. How do you take your coffee?”

“Just black is fine.”

He nods and places the plate and coffee in front of me. Then he pours himself a cup of coffee and sits next to me.