Page 28 of Lennox

“Vincent Corsi wants me to find the man who has been hunting them for years. The man responsible for his children’s and wife’s death. He’s been searching for them for years, but he won’t name me as his successor until I find him.”

Hayes frowns. “That’s a tall order, even for us.”

I nod.

“What tactic did you change? How are you going to let him name you as head of the Corsi mafia?” Gage asks.

“He told me to fall in love with Rialta. He said if I loved her, then he could trust that she was as safe as if the man who wants to kill her was dead.”

“I can understand that,” Gage says.

“Yes, but I’ll never fall in love with her. So you can see my conundrum. I can’t do either, but I have to become the next Corsi boss.”

Gage sighs. “So what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to make her fall in love with me.”

Gage doesn’t speak. I can tell from his expression he doesn’t agree, but we all agreed to our parts of the plan. I’m in control of this part, and he won’t argue as long as I uphold my end of the deal.

Hayes is biting his lip, and I know he won’t hold back his thoughts much longer.

“If she falls in love with me, Vincent won’t deny me. And it will make it easier for him to believe I love her in return, even if I don’t.”

“I see.” Gage stares down at his computer.

“Well, you aren’t exactly a ladies’ man, but I can give you a few pointers. We’ll have her falling in love with you in no time,” Hayes says with his optimistic smile.

I nod. “You better get to teaching me quick.”

Hayes frowns when I agree with him instead of giving a quick retort.

“Because if I fail, I’m a dead man.”

Both of their eyes jump open, and I spend the rest of the night arguing with them, convincing them that our plan will still work. It has to work—for all of our sakes.



One day.

Only one day left until the wedding.

Everything is planned.

I picked out a dress with River.

Beckett has the security team assembled.

And Lennox hasn’t decided to back out.

It’s happening in one day.

I lay in a bed in River’s apartment all day.

I don’t get up to talk to her.

I don’t get up for food.