Page 96 of Lennox

I open my eyes. There is one conversation that we need to have before we sleep.

“What is the deal you made with my father?” My eyes are serious as I look into Lennox’s, telling him I won’t take no for an answer.

Lennox drops his hand from my face. “Trust me when I tell you it’s best you don’t know.”

“Why? After everything we’ve been through tonight alone, don’t you think I deserve to know? Don’t you think if I knew, I could help you? Don’t you trust me?”

“I trust you, Rialta. But I’m asking that you trust me.” His voice breaks into a deep sadness as he says it.

“Why? Why is it so important that I don’t know?”

“It’s not your burden to bear. It’s mine.”

“You can tell me,” I whisper.I think I’m falling in love with you if you’d just let me in.

He sighs. “I’ll tell you when the time is right. I will tell you. I promise you that. Is that enough for you?”

No, it’s not enough,but that’s not what I say. I say the only thing I can muster. “Okay.”

“Beckett, Ri, Gage, and Hayes are going to take turns guarding the apartment while Corsi’s men patrol the hallways. I can’t dismiss them, and we still need their protection if the Retribution Kings or your unknown enemy attacks, but our team can at least ensure we don’t get kidnapped by our own men again.”

“Are any of them healed enough? And River shouldn’t help in her condition—”

“I know, I don’t like it either. But I’ve instructed them to take turns hanging on the couch and watching the cameras. We just want someone awake who can warn us if anyone tries to enter. I’m not asking them to fight for us.”

I nod.

And then I hear a knock as if whoever it is was listening to our conversation.

Lennox opens the door, and River and Beckett come inside. River runs to me, wrapping her arms around me.

“I’m so sorry, I—”

“Stop it. You have nothing to apologize for.”

I feel River’s tears drop down onto my shoulder. “It’s my job to protect you, and I failed. Now that I’m pregnant—”

“Now that you’re pregnant, it’s your job to protect that baby. It’s Lennox’s job to protect me.” I look at her sternly. “Sleep on the couch. Beckett will watch the cameras. And if anyone comes, go to the safe room in the closet upstairs, understand?”

River frowns. “But—”

“That’s exactly what you’ll do,” Lennox says.

Beckett also gives River a stern look, needing his wife to take it easy.

She pouts but then rubs her belly, and I know she’ll do anything to protect her baby. And then she yawns, which sets off a string of yawns through the room.

“Get to bed,” River says.

“Are you going to be comfortable on the couch? If not, you can—”

“I can fall asleep anywhere now that I’m pregnant,” River chuckles, interrupting me.

We hug, and then I climb the stairs with Lennox behind me. I sit on the edge of the bed to remove my shoes and wince.

Lennox frowns and heads to the bathroom while I remove my shoes.

“Remove your leggings and tell me where it hurts,” he says, holding a cream and a cool washcloth in his hand.