Page 77 of Lennox

“I’m not leaving you without any protection,” Gage says.

“Then I’m going too,” Hayes says defiantly. It’s the most I’ve ever seen him fight back.

Gage, Beckett, and Lennox’s eyes all meet, and they have a silent conversation.Should they force him to stay or come with?

I look at River, who is looking at me like it’s my decision.

All I can think is it has to be Hayes’s choice. Just like River’s decision is her own. And my life is my own choice.

There is no place that’s safe anymore. It doesn’t matter if he’s here or with us. And based on everyone’s actions, it feels like we’d all rather stick together as much as possible.

“Come if you want, but be honest with how you’re feeling. If you’re in pain, tell Gage. Promise not to push yourself?” I look Hayes in the eyes, telling him I’ll wring his neck if he hurts himself on my behalf.

He nods solemnly.

I feel the unease of everyone else around me. No one wants Hayes to push himself or get hurt, but that could happen just as easily if he stays behind.

We all crowd in Vincent’s office. There are only three chairs. Hayes, River, and I are the ones sitting, while the others stand in the chairs behind us.

It was a wasted trip. Vincent isn’t going to change his mind, even to protect his own daughters.

“We need more security. I can’t keep her safe from the entire fucking world if I don’t have the resources and team to do it. Especially when you keep creating enemies,” Lennox says, glaring at Vincent.

Vincent sits behind his desk, showing no emotion as Lennox pleads his case.

“No,” is all he says.

Lennox runs his hand through his hair and paces behind me. I can feel his frustration pouring off him in waves. He wants to climb over Vincent’s desk and strangle him.

“We need help. Lennox is doing everything he can to keep me safe. Everyone here is. But it won’t be enough. Hayes almost died last night. It could have just as easily been me,” I say, looking my father in his eyes. Hoping if I beg him, he’ll change his mind. I’ll still end up dead sooner than later, but I want to take as few people as possible with me when my time comes.

Vincent looks from me to every person in the room, taking his time perusing each and every one of us as if he thinks one of us has the answer.

“I trust everyone in this room more than I should. More than any of you deserve. When I tell you that I’m not giving you any of my men, I’m doing it for your own protection. I don’t trust my own men. I don’t trust any of them, and neither should you,” Vincent says.

My mouth gapes.He’s not going to help us. He’s just going to leave us all to die.

He stares at Lennox, exchanging a silent conversation with him.

Lennox stiffens and then gives the slightest nod in agreement.

Gage and Beckett help a moaning Hayes out of the chair, who glares at Vincent as he’s helped up. For a minute, I think he’s going to have the energy to fight Vincent even in his state, but he says nothing. None of us have anything left to say.

River puts her hand on her stomach protectively. I’m not sure she even realizes she’s doing it.

Vincent notices, but it doesn’t change his mind. Nothing will.

We ride the elevator down in silence. I have to find a way to protect them. I just don’t know how. We walk outside, the high rises towering over us, when a bullet hits Gage.

I scream as I watch him fall to the ground.

My eyes scan the pavement as more bullets fly down upon us. I want to save them. I want to protect them. But I don’t have the skills, and I don’t know who to try to save.

I spot River, and she’s running toward me, away from Beckett.

Fuck, no.

I start running toward her, trying to get her to turn around, to let Beckett protect her and the baby.