Page 58 of Lennox

But I know I fucked up.

My two worlds are already starting to clash. It wouldn’t take much digging for someone motivated enough to find the truth and kill Kit, no questions asked. I know what I have to do, but it’s going to break me.



Hayes saved us.

He’s not usually that quick-witted, but I’m going to have to find a way to thank him. We all are. If it wasn’t for him, we’d all be dead.

Rialta would have been the only one to survive, but she’d be forced to marry someone far crueler than me. It would be a man who would take what he wanted from her until he’s bled her of everything worth living. She’d be as good as dead.

We all owe him our lives.

I don’t let go of Rialta’s hand until I’ve led her to the door of my car. I don’t leave her side until she’s climbed in and buckled her seatbelt.

Then I turn to Hayes and Gage, who are climbing into Hayes’s car.

“Thank you,” I say to Hayes, knowing it’s not enough.

He shakes his head. “We’ve all saved each other plenty of times. You’d all do the same for me. Besides, my neck was on the line too.”

I nod and look to Gage, who is looking tired and grateful.

And then we all climb into our cars. I know they will follow closely in case we are followed or attacked on the way home.

As I start driving, I try to keep my thoughts on the road, but it’s impossible for my mind not to wander to that man touching Rialta—trying to violate her. My mind can’t not think about all of those men’s filthy, disgusting thoughts wanting to rape her.

I want to squeeze my eyes shut to block them out, but I can’t. I have to keep my eyes on the road, but I might as well be watching a movie of their desires. I can see so clearly how they’d strip her, beat her, force her open, and fuck her against her will.

“I’m sorry I was reckless with Kit,” says Rialta, her voice reminding me of where I am.

My hands tighten on the steering wheel, and I blink hard. I push the thoughts of the Corsi men away, but they’re replaced just as quickly with images of her and Kit last night. Them fucking in his bed fills my vision, not caring who they hurt or who dies so they can carry on pretending their love is story is one of epic proportions. When actually, if they were to get married, they’d be divorced within five years.

There is nothing special about their love story. Their love is built on living next door to each other for years and an infatuation with each other. It wouldn’t even surprise me if Kit likes this arrangement. He gets to fuck her but doesn’t have to live with her. Doesn’t have to spend his money on her. Doesn’t have to raise any kids. And he can easily cheat without her being upset with him because she’s married to me. It’s a win-win situation for him.

“Sorry isn’t enough,” I finally reply.

“I know it’s not.”

“Do you? Do you understand what you risked tonight? Do you realize you could have gotten us all killed? Hayes, Gage, me, and Kit—we all could have died because of your mistake.”

“I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt anyone, and I definitely didn’t want anyone to die because of me.”

I park the car in my building garage and close my eyes, trying to block out my own darkness. I know how she feels. I’ve been in her shoes. People I’ve loved have died because of my mistakes. I just hope she learns from my mistakes before someone actually ends up dead.

“I need to see Kit.”

“What?” I snap in her direction, convinced I must have heard her wrong. I’m hoping she’s going to give him up eventually, or at least, lay low for a while before she sees him again. Later we can come up with a better plan for how and when they can see each other. I didn’t think she’d run into his arms tonight.

“I’m going to see Kit—tonight.”

I shake my head. “No, you’re not.”

She looks dead serious as she looks at me. “I’m going. We had a deal. I’ve played my part. And I’ll continue to, but I need to see Kit.”

Rage rises through my body, and any hope of me ever falling for her or truly caring for her goes out the window. I thought she was learning how to be selfless. I thought she was starting to care about all of us. But she’s just a spoiled, selfish princess like I originally thought.