Page 55 of Lennox

My goal is simple—fuck with her mind and make her realize she doesn’t love him. I’m about to play dirty as far as our bet is concerned. But it isn’t about the bet—it’s about her father. I’ll die if I fail to meet either of his challenges.

And I’m doomed to fail. I’ll never be able to find and stop the man who hunts her, and I’ll never fall in love with her. My only hope is to make her fall in love with me—she can save me.

This kiss is a desperate attempt at making her feel anything for me. I’m not charming. I’m not a nice man. She’s seen the shadows of my darkness even if she hasn’t seen the depth of it yet. My only hope is to make her see that she doesn’t love Kit and that I could make her happy. He’s a boy; I’m a man.

She shoves me hard.

“You’re not a monster. Stop acting like one.”

Quickly, I see how I affected her. She enjoyed that kiss. She enjoys being in my arms even if it confuses her.

“When you fuck him tonight, don’t think of me,” I say with a smug expression, knowing full well she will. And I’m going to need a boxing session with Gage tonight to survive the thought of Kit being inside her.



I straddle Kit—riddinghis thick cock as he grins up at me. I smile back weakly, trying my best to stay in the present. All of my efforts are going into staying completely focused on Kit and not even thinking about anything, or anyone, else.

A flash of blue eyes replaces Kit’s green ones. I shake my head, trying to make them go away.

“You okay?” Kit asks.

“Hmmm, this feels so good.”

“Yea, it does.” He thrusts upward, filling me completely.

I moan and close my eyes—big mistake.

Lennox’s smirk and words play in my head—when you fuck him tonight, don’t think of me.


Damn him.

It’s just because I’ve been spending so much time with Lennox lately, and so much of my mind is spent thinking about our marriage and what happened on our wedding night. It’s not because I enjoyed his kiss or his smug expression. It’s just the stress of my situation that puts him in my thoughts constantly.

It’s not fair to Kit.

I take a deep breath and banish the images, returning to the present.

It does feel good to be riding him. Him buried deep inside me, my clit rubbing against his hard lower stomach, his hands twirling my nipples into peaks—everything is on track for an epic climax.

But I’m not going to come. I’ll be lucky if I can fake a convincing orgasm.

I should talk to Kit, but I don’t even know where to start. Being present with him for the rest of this is a start.

Suddenly, Kit’s bedroom door flies open. Hayes is covering his eyes with a hand.

“I’m sorry. Finish quickly; we have to go—now.”

I frown. “What’s happened?” I’m already climbing off Kit, and he’s cursing his missed opportunity for release. At least I won’t have to pretend like he could satisfy me. I can get my act together and try again after dealing with whatever drama Hayes is bringing.

Hayes peeks behind his hands and sees me pulling my shirt back on. He glances away again as he says, “It’s Corsi business.”

I don’t know what that means except that it’s something he doesn’t want to explain in front of Kit.

I pull on my pants as Kit continues to lie naked on his bed.