Page 46 of Lennox

I’m not sure what to do, what to say.

Gage and Hayes look on with doom, like they know what’s about to happen. Deep in my heart somewhere, I guess I know what’s about to happen too.

Everything happens in slow motion—Kit’s arm raising back, Lennox’s lips lifting in a smirk, and then Lennox’s fist ramming into Kit’s nose.

Blood spews, and Kit falls hard to the ground—lifeless.



“Kit!”I scream as I run to his body on the floor. I’m sure he’s fine, but seeing him fall limp to the floor does something to me. It strikes fear through my heart at the thought of this happening for real and it being all my fault.

I fall to my knees next to Kit as Lennox continues to tower over him, not caring in the least that he just hurt the man I love.

“Kit,” I say again as I grab his shoulder and gently roll him over onto his back. As I cup Kit’s head in my lap, Hayes kneels next to me.

“He’s fine, just knocked out,” Hayes says.

“What do I do?”

“He’s breathing fine; just give him a minute. He’ll have a nasty headache when he comes to and shouldn’t be left alone for a while, but—”

Suddenly Kit’s eyes flicker open.

I smile in relief. “You’re okay.”

Kit grins. “Of course, I’m okay.” He reaches up and strokes my cheek, brushing away a tiny tear. “I’m looking at the most beautiful woman in the world.”

I shake my head. “You don’t need to give me compliments when I almost got you killed.”

“Nah, Lennox wouldn’t have killed me. He’s just showing me I have a lot to learn to do my part in keeping you safe. I’ll practice and do better next time,” Kit says.

I frown. “No, you—”

“I’ll keep practicing and getting stronger. I won’t fail you, Rialta. I love you. I’m the weak link, but I won’t let my weakness hurt you.”

“You’re not the weak link.” I kiss his forehead. “And you have nothing to prove. I just want you to be able to protect yourself. But these guys will ensure that you’re safe, I promise.”

I look up at Hayes, who doesn’t seem bothered that I’ve added Kit to the list of people he needs to protect. Gage just nods, assuming Kit was always going to be included. But then I glare at Lennox, and he simply stands there staring at me. He won’t let me boss him around. It’s something I’m going to have to take up with him later, and I plan on it.

I shoot daggers in Lennox’s direction for one more second, before turning all of my attention back to Kit. “Do you want to try sitting up?”

He nods, and Hayes and I gently help him sit up. Blood starts streaming down his nose, and I’m afraid it’s broken. Gage tosses us a rag to hold to Kit’s nose, and a few minutes later, we help him stand up.

Lennox does nothing. He doesn’t apologize; he doesn’t offer to help—nothing.

I’m raging.

But I need to focus on Kit.

“Can you walk?”

“I feel fine, honest. My head hurts a little, along with my nose, but otherwise, I’m fine. I’m not on the verge of death, bug.”

I force a smile, although the situation is anything but fine.

“We’re going next door, so I can clean Kit up before he has to leave for work. Leave us alone, all of you,” I say, not waiting for them to approve.