Page 37 of Lennox

I don’t know. But something is expected, something dark and sinister. They want proof that Lennox is capable of being the true monster he is and will use his power over me, just like he was forced to do in that basement.

How can I save myself?It’s far too late to stop this. We can’t scheme like we did before. We have very few options left.

I don’t blame Lennox for what he’s going to do. He naively tried to make a bet with me, thinking he could seduce me into wanting him before he fucked me. He isn’t a rapist by heart, but when push comes to shove, he’ll become one. I have no doubt. Everything he’s ever wanted is on the line.

I try to hide my fear, but I’m not good at keeping my emotions at bay like Lennox. I force myself to look at him, to prepare for what’s about to happen. I shiver as I witness confusion quickly give way to the same evil wickedness I saw in the basement slithering over all of his features. His face starts to turn red, his eyes fade into black, and a low growl bounces through the small room.

I close my eyes, pretending I can block everything out. I won’t feel anything. I won’t end up destroyed through this process. I won’t hurt Kit. Everything I am won’t become lost in a single night.

Lennox whooshes past me, not touching me.

I peek one eye open just a little bit and see Lennox jump up in the corner of the room, his hand sweeping until he finds the tiny camera pointed toward the bed. He tosses it on the floor and stomps his foot on it, shattering it.

My heart starts to slow, and my breath becomes more even.Maybe he’ll find a way to protect me after all.

I’ll owe him. Not sex or heirs, but I’ll owe him some kind of protection if he finds a way to save me tonight.

He sweeps every corner of the room, finding one more camera he breaks under his foot. His eyes scan the room furiously, trying to find any other hidden cameras.

When he seems satisfied, he pulls his phone out and starts texting someone. Gage, I hope. If there are any cameras left in the room, Gage would be able to find them and disable them even remotely.

The cameras are taken care of, but it won’t be enough to save me. They’ll be able to hear through the walls and doors. And they’ll still want proof.

My heart starts racing again, but at least now we can whisper in privacy and make a plan. We can come up with some sort of proof to save us both.

I open my mouth to speak, but Lennox doesn’t wait for my words.

He pounces.

He grabs me roughly and shoves me down hard on the bed.

“I’m going to enjoy this. I’m going to enjoy finding out if you’re a virgin or not, Rialta. You better hope you are because, one way or another, I’m going to enjoy watching you bleed.” He’s become a different man in the blink of an eye.

“Lennox,” I whisper softly, trying to remind him who he is, trying to break through the rage that has taken hold of him. It’s one thing to fuck me against my will, but I expected him to be gentle and flirtatious and as kind as he could be when he took me.

This—I didn’t expect this.

His nostrils flare wide, and he’s breathing heavily as he removes his jacket and tie, standing to the side of the bed, his eyes never leaving mine.

I squirm up the bed, tucking my knees against my chest, trying to get as far away from him as possible.

“Lennox,” I try again, but my voice is too quiet. “I’ll fuck you; just give me time to warm up.”

“You don’t need time. I know how wet you are. I know how turned on you were the entire evening. You want this, but I want to hear you beg first.”

I blink, trying to rack my brain for how to stop this.How do I break through to him? Did I just entirely misjudge him? How could I have been so wrong?

He kicks his shoes off next, then undoes the buttons down his shirt, one by one. He’s milking every moment, like he’s just undressing, not about to hurt me.

I swallow hard, my brain going a million miles an hour trying to come up with some sort of plan.How do I get free?But I’m blanking. I can’t think. I don’t understand what’s happening.How could I be so foolish?


It’s the only thing that comes to mind.

I wait until he starts walking toward the bed. He’s shirtless but still wearing pants, and then I run for the door.

Run, run, run.