Page 36 of Lennox

She smirks. “And somebody already has his erection on full display.”

“I’ve never denied that I find you hot. I want to fuck you, and I will.”

“That’s just all you want from me—a woman who will be at your beck and call to fuck you whenever you want and nothing more. Don’t pretend you aren’t just like every asshole in this room. Just because you didn’t kiss me at the ceremony doesn’t mean you aren’t a bastard.”

I don’t say anything because she’s right. If we were to ever have sex, that’s all I’d want from her—not a real relationship.

Vincent spends the evening giving speech after speech, toast after toast, as food and alcohol pour in. There’s dancing and mingling and more groping and teasing between Rialta and me until finally, she’s exhausted from the charade and being on her feet.

She yawns while I dance with her, smashing our bodies together.

“I think it’s time I get you to bed,” I say.

She shakes her head. “I don’t want to go to bed.” She yawns again.

“If I don’t get you to bed, you’re going to fall asleep in my arms on the dance floor.”

I start to drag her off the floor.

“Wait,” she says with panic in her eyes.

I frown and look from her to where she’s staring. In the corner is Vincent Corsi and one of his top men, Andrea.

They nod at us solemnly.

Rialta freezes in her tracks.

And now I’m holding onto her not to put on an act but to keep her from falling to the ground.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper into her hair.

She doesn’t respond.

Andrea walks over to us. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your room.”

“I think that would be a good idea,” I say and hold Rialta around the waist, moving her forward. I still don’t understand what’s wrong with her as we follow him.

As we pass them, I spot River grasping Beckett’s hand like a vise grip to keep herself from running to Rialta. I try to read the motive for her concern, but I assume it’s just because she knows Rialta so well and can see her distress. Hayes and Gage watch us pass with trepidation.

Am I missing something?

Andrea leads us out of the ballroom and ushers us through a nearby door.

I frown, confused why we aren’t being led to a honeymoon or penthouse suite. I would have expected Vincent Corsi to have gone all out for tonight.

As I help Rialta inside the nearly empty room, Andrea looks at me with vicious eyes and at Rialta with far too much delight as she cowers in fear.

“We’ll be waiting for the proof,” Andrea says with a devilish wink before closing the door. I realize far too late what’s expected of us tonight. We may have had our own bet and rules, but it doesn’t matter. The Corsi mafia has their own rules—rules we will be expected to abide by or face severe consequences.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to protect her this time. And if I can’t protect her, there is no way she will ever love me. Either way this turns out, my death is inevitable.



The room consistsof a king bed and nothing else. No bathroom. No closet. No end table or lamps. No wall decorations. Just white walls and white bedding.

I knew this ritual would come. Secret and yet not very secret—it is expected, and yet the details are vague, even now. I don’t know exactly whatproofis required. I don’t know if there are cameras, and we are being watched, or if they are just listening through doors and walls. I don’t know if blood on the sheets is what is expected—proof of my virginity that was long ago taken.