Page 35 of Lennox

I raise my eyebrows.

“Calm down. I’m attracted to Ryan Gosling, too; it doesn’t mean I’m going to cheat on my boyfriend with him.”

I invade her space, enjoying watching her sharp inhale as I do. I love how much I affect her.

“Yes, but it means I have a chance. If you thought I was a hideous monster, then there would be no hope of winning our bet.”

“Why do you want to win so badly?”

I take a step back and put my hands in my pocket, staring at her. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“No.” Her eyes search mine for the answer.

“I want to fuck you. I want to see you pregnant with my babies. I’m a fucking caveman, and I want you.”

“Oh,” her lips part, and her cheeks pink.

“And I think deep down, you want an excuse to fuck me too.”

She frowns. “In your dreams.”

I shrug. “And nightmares,” I mutter under my breath. “So what are we going to do about this reception?”

She sighs and goes back to fidgeting with her rings. Suddenly, she looks at me with new determination in her eyes. “Play the part.”

Play the part.

I’ve never been very good at acting. I’m always just stone-faced and emotionless. But when Rialta suggests we become the people expected of us tonight, I can’t resist going along with it. For one, it will probably save my ass from being beaten for not kissing her. And two, I’ll take any excuse to have my hands all over her.

A few minutes later, we’re strutting into the reception room at The Langham hotel, hand in hand, once again being announced as Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Corsi. It’s weird; in one day, I’ve given up everything—my family, my name, my singledom.

I can already see the smirks of the men in the room who think Rialta has me by the balls after I didn’t kiss her in front of everyone.

That changes now.

I grab Rialta’s ass and yank her toward me roughly. She squeals out of breath before I slam my lips down on hers, my tongue invading her mouth as I do.

The crowd is silent for a second, unsure how to react. But when I end the kiss with a wicked desire of what I’m going to do with her soon in my eyes, they all whoop and holler. In return, Rialta’s eyes light up with her own yearning and a touch of defiant fire.

I continue to hold onto her ass as we are led to the head table, where two chairs are placed for us to have dinner. I sit down in my chair first, not being gentlemanly at all.

As Rialta is about to take her own seat, I motion for her to sit on my lap instead. Grabbing her hips, I guide her down to my lap, as she gives me an ‘I’m going to make you pay for that later’ glare.

I shrug, knowing I’m going to enjoy whatever punishment she tries to inflict later. I’m enjoying this little game of ours too much already.

Our friends are seated at a table to our right, and I do my best not to look in their direction. Hayes is likely cracking up at the sight of us, while the others are probably looking on with too much amusement. They know it’s all just an act, but we aren’t doing it for them.

We are playing along so the rest of the men in this room will think of me as they do Vincent Corsi—a strong, merciless leader who will do whatever it takes to bring in money and continue their decades of customs and traditions.

Two glasses of Dom are placed in front of us. We each sip our glass as I wrap one arm around her neck possessively. My hand rests just above her collarbone, and I stroke her neck over and over again, enjoying seeing little tiny shivers and goosebumps on her arms.

I lean into her neck and lick from her shoulder to her earlobe, biting down sharply on her ear when I reach it.

She yelps and whispers discreetly behind her glass of champagne, “Play nice.”

“Why? I know you like it. I can see every reaction your body makes to my touch. And if I had to bet, you’re drenched for me between those legs.”

She scoots her ass over my crotch, rubbing a little too roughly, and eliciting a moan.