Page 25 of All I Need

“I know.” I took a breath, letting it out before finally taking a sip of my tea. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

Melanie gave me a dry look. “Absolutely not. You went on a date. It’s not like you have to worry about this man doing anything horrible. You’ve known him and his family for years.”

I’d told Melanie a little bit about Noah after my week in Haven’s Bay with him. “Yeah, but Quinn’s not used to me dating.”

Melanie tightened her lips and cast me something approaching a glare. “You don’t need to be alone forever. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were aiming for that. You’re not irresponsible. You haven’t been dating and running through men faster than some people do their rosary beads when they pray.” I snorted at that. “It’s obvious he likes you. And he’s a honey, very easy on the eyes.”

A “honey” was Melanie’s description of a cute guy. She tended to select the men who did repairs on the building based on how cute they were. I doubted the wisdom of that, but she’d never had an issue.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll ask Quinn if she wants to have dinner. If she wants to go, we’ll do it.”

“It’s a good sign he wants to include her this soon. She’s the most important person in your life.”

“Of course, she is.” I took another swallow of my tea. “I wish there was an instruction manual.”

“For what?”

“Dating as a single parent.”

“Sweetie, dating is fraught whether you’re a single parent or not. I’m not going to pretend it’s not more difficult when you have a daughter to consider. I think you’re a little rusty. Might as well try with someone who obviously thinks you’re sexy and wants you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Right now, he does. But wait until I have to cancel for one in a long list of reasons. Or wait until Quinn decides she hates him.”

“Or wait until it’s not as bad as you think,” Melanie pointed out.



Quinn blinked at me from where she sat across the table. “Dinner?”

I was unaccountably nervous. It was some combination of not really having any romantic relationships as an adult,reallyliking Noah, and having my daughter look at me as if I were an unwanted bug.

“Yes, dinner with Noah and me.”

Quinn looked down, taking a bite of her oatmeal before her lashes swept up, and she pinned me with her skeptical gaze again. “Why is he trying so hard?”

“Sweetie—” I began.

Quinn shook her head as if I didn’t understand something. “Mom, he totally has the hots for you. He’s just trying to get in your pants through me.”

I stuttered on the sip of coffee I had just taken. “Oh, my God. Quinn!”

She gave me a satisfied smirk. “He is.”

Putting aside her comment about his motives, I forged ahead. “I’ve known him since I was a little girl. He’s a nice man and would like to get to know you.”

Quinn tapped my knee with her socked foot. “It’s fine, Mom. I’ll go. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy.”

I did my best to take a deep breath carefully, so Quinn didn’t notice when I let out a slow and quiet sigh of relief.

“Where would you like to go?” I asked next.

“Well, Noah was right about that Italian place. It’s good. Why doesn’t he find a new Thai place we haven’t tried?”

“Is this a test that’s impossible for him to pass?” I asked skeptically.

Quinn cast me a sly grin. “Maybe, but I won’t be too hard on him.”