“Did we just have three conversations with our eyes?” I asked.

She giggled, burying her mouth behind her hand. “I think it was four, actually.”

“Well I’m glad we’re all caught up,” I joked, winking. “You sleep good?”

“Yeah…once I finally went to bed. I was up late doing more designs for my next quarterly portfolio. I’m not missing the next due date, so help me God.”

“Good girl.” I squeezed my hand into a fist, wanting to follow those words up with a lot more. But we were in plain view here; even though nobody was around, this was a hard line. No canoodling in public. No kissing or touches where other employees could see.

All fun stuff needed to occur behind my office door. Period.

“Why’d you have to say it like that?” she said with a little laugh, that blush returning.

“Like what?”

“With your sexy voice,” she whispered. “Like you’re gonna eat me for lunch.”

I glanced behind me, down the hall. I dropped my voice. “Because that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

Her blush flared brighter, and she peeked up at me from beneath those dark lashes. “Like those strawberries you told me about last night?”

An honest-to-god belly laugh erupted from me. I’d confided in Jessa during our hourlong video call last night that I used to practice kissing strawberries as a teen. I’d never told anyone that, not even Axel or Trace. But she seemed to think it had something to do with how well I kissed her face off, so I couldn’t even pretend to be embarrassed.

I winked at her again. “Axel is riding my ass to get to the conference room. I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Have fun,” she said, watching me dreamily as I snagged a tablet from my office and headed for the conference room. I fought the urge to glance over my shoulder, to keep eye contact until the last possible second. I felt every inch the moony high schooler again. These were the sexy looks and the double entendres that eighteen-year-old me couldn’t even have fathomed.

It was probably for the best that we were keeping the affair within the walls of the office. If I had her out in the open or up in the penthouse, there was no telling how fast I’d shred the rules.

Jessa made me hungrier than I’d ever been for a taste of something I’d never allowed myself.

I hummed as I wandered back to the conference room. Inside, Axel leaned back in his chair, squeezing a stress ball, while Francis frowned down at his tablet, swiping through screens.

“All right. I’m here early,as requested.” I took my seat across from Axel. Francis headed the table. I glanced at Trace’s empty seat reflexively, my chest tightening as the truth washed over me again. Trace was on vacation indefinitely, he and Axel hadn’t spoken for weeks, and what had always been an unshakeable trio was now missing our third.

It still didn’t feel right.

“Coffee is en route,” Francis murmured as he swiped and poked his device.

I hummed to myself as I fished my phone out of my pocket.

Axel sent me a sharp look. “What’s wrong with you?”

I silenced my phone and set it on the table. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re humming.”


Axel looked over at Francis, as though seeking confirmation, then swung his accusatory gaze my way again. “You’re…happy and shit. Borderline pleasant to be around. It’s weird.”

I cleared my throat as I leaned back in my seat. “I can’t tell if that’s meant to be a compliment or an insult.”

“The best lines are disguised as both, my brother.” Axel sent me his most self-satisfied smile.

“Well, I don’t know what the problem is. Should I not be pleasant?”

Axel narrowed his eyes. “I just want to know why. And I think I do.”