Part of me thought maybe this was a dream. Probably I’d fallen asleep on the couch and imagined this entire thing. A man who could both get me off over the phoneandstuck around to hear about my portfolio project?

I hadn’t even dared to dream that someone so perfect could exist.

But when we finally hung up and I was left alone in my living room, dress still stained, heart still hammering, I realized that if we were standing at the mere beginning of thisthingbetween us…I was already screwed.

If I had any hope of saving myself from certain heartbreak, then this needed to be theend.



If there were a better coping mechanism than Jessa, I didn’t know what it could be.

All of my worries melted away as I basked in what was unfolding between us. Sure, I was breaking all my own damn rules, but I didn’t care. Not now.

The SEC investigation? An inconvenience I’d get through. Secret family discovery? Unfortunate but surmountable. All of the unknown disasters that waited for me down the road? Well, I’d just have to wait and see when I got there.

I was more jazzed about Jessa than I’d ever been about any hookup. Maybe it was because we’d known each other practically our whole lives. There was a closeness there I didn’t often feel with…anyone. Jessa had known me during high school, which is generally the low point for computer nerds growing up in the South, and still somehow had a crush on me back then. The woman deserved a medal.

Scratch that. She deserved a never-ending fuck fest that I fully intended to give her.

I could barely sleep that night, but not for the usual reasons. The merest recollection of her voice as she came for me was enough to send me spiraling into fantasy land again. I even got to work early the next day—that’show fucked up Jessa had me.

But what could I say? I was a sucker for her curves, and I always had been.

She was at her desk as I rounded the corner. Her crystal silver-blue gaze snapped in my direction, a shy smile tugging at her lips as I approached. To be perfectly honest, she looked a little starstruck. And I was okay with that.

Maybe I was a little starstruck too.

I paused in front of her, unable to contain my grin as I took in her dress du jour: a boatneck maroon dress with ruffles at the shoulders. The material looked stiff, which presented a possible logistic complication. But that was okay—I’d find a workaround. I wanted to kiss her face off already, but that was a strict no-no where someone could see us.

“Morning,” I said.

“Hi.” She looked up at me dreamily, and we stood like that for too long, staring into each other’s eyes.

I ran a hand through my hair. “You sleep okay?” My entire body pulsed with the need to get her alone in my office. But I wasn’t the type of Neanderthal to just drag her there. Even though I was half-tempted to.

“Yeah, once I finally went to bed.”

“Did you get the portfolio done?”

“Almost.” Her smile widened. “I’ll finish it tonight, for sure. What about you? Did you sleep?”

I shook my head. “Not so good. Had a lot on my mind.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“I’ll have to tell you in my office.” I winked, and a delicious blush crept up her neck. I wanted to bite it.

“Okay.” She followed me when I started for my office. I pushed open the door, finding the cool, quiet space welcoming. The door snicked shut behind us, and I had her pinned to it a second later.

“That was fast,” she whispered.

She was right. It wasn’t even nine o’clock yet. But there was no time to waste. “Not fast enough for my taste.”

I dipped down and snagged the kiss I’d been dying for since yesterday. I could taste mint on her breath, and a hint of her morning coffee. We made out fast and furious, knocking teeth, biting lips. I was hungrier than I’d ever been. My cock was hard and trapped against her hip. I traced the curves of her body through her dress, squeezing her thick hips, her juicy ass. I could have eaten her from head to toe. She moaned as I fucked her mouth with my tongue.

“Damian,” she gasped a moment later, clutching her heaving chest. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack if you keep kissing me like that.”