Damian’s gaze was heavy on me for a few moments. Then he looked back at the bagel spread. “Not everyone is going to agree with your decisions. Sometimes even the people closest to you.”

“Well, if I’ve learned one thing, it’s even those we call family aren’t necessarily the closest ones in life. Nor are they the ones looking out for your best interests.” I took a bite of the impossibly soft bagel and moaned. "And this bagel rights every wrong in the entire world."

Damian’s soft grin was the stuff of heartthrob posters. “Better than the celery diet, right?”

I scoffed. “Don’t mention that water with hair as I feast on this perfection, please.”

We shared a warm smile, heat spreading through my chest. I loved this man.Still.I’d loved him since we’d been peripheral friends throughout our school years. I loved him throughout the years as a distant acquaintance. And I loved him now as his old-friend-turned-secretary.

It was real, human love. But it was also passionate, unrequited love.

And dammit, I wished this shit would go away already. But with moments like these, I was a goner. If he touched my lower back again, I’d be ready to exchange vows.

I distracted myself by loading up another bagel while my everything-lavender masterpiece with one bite taken out sat off to the side. “I’ll let Axel and Cora know there’s a smorgasbord in here if you want.”

“And Francis,” he added.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. “And Francis.”

As if on cue, Axel waltzed into the office, his eyes widening as his gaze landed on the spread. “Wow, guys. Really holding out on me, aren’t you?”

“I was just about to call you and tell you,” I said sweetly.

“Sure, sure. Listen, Damian, we’ve gotta take a quick crosstown trip. Just you and me and however many of those bagels you can fit into your pockets.”

“Stuff your own damn pockets, Axel.” To me, he added, “I guess I’m leaving. Let me know if anything crops up today, okay?”

Axel loaded up a plate of bagels and the entire jar of sweet chili jam plus the plain cream cheese, and the two left the office. I wished for a sweet caress or an arm squeeze on his way out, but Damian kept his hands to himself. I heaved a sigh and straightened my back. After an emotional morning, it was time to get back to work.

Hours drifted by, fueled by internet research and everything bagels. Around two o’clock, the click of heels coming down the hall yanked at my attention. I perked up, thinking it might be Cora. But a different brunette rounded the corner, staring down at me.

I tipped my head back, trying to place this face. I recognized this woman. Smartly dressed, perfect chestnut waves, a sharp gaze that promised to crack a whip if I spoke out of line.

“Hello,” I said. “How can I help you?”

“I’m here for Damian,” she said with equal parts sweetness and condescension. She clutched a handbag against the front of her body. “I’m his two o’clock.”

I mechanically turned my gaze to my computer. Why was everything inside me jamming up, like I’d never worked a day at this job before? I clicked aimlessly around the desktop, trying to remember how to open Damian’s appointment book. And that’s when I saw it.

2:00: Harper Bennett

Pieces clicked into place, showing me the larger picture. I knew why I recognized this lady. She was the woman who had waltzed out of his office on the day of my interview, the woman with her head between his legs.Damian’s girlfriend.

My mouth went dry. “He, uh…” I pretended to focus hard on the screen, struggling to piece together a sentence. “He’s not in…right now.”

She cocked her head, her smile growing wider. “What was that?”

“He’s uh…gone. Totally gone. Out of the city entirely,” I said, which I knew wasn’t true. Damian had only gone across town with Axel. But I couldn’t make my mouth get the memo.

“That’s impossible,” Harper said. “We had something on the books. He never cancels.”

“I’m sorry. He’s out of the office, and I don’t know when he’ll be back.” I offered my best approximation of a detached customer service smile. “I can take a message for you though, and I’ll see if he’s interested in rescheduling. He may have found your services no longer necessary, or—” Judging by the confusion etching itself across Harper’s face, I was crossing a line and needed to reel it in. “Or maybe there’s some other reason that we don’t know about yet.”

“Trust me,” she said succinctly, something lethal glinting in her gaze, “he’s interested in rescheduling.”

“Ma’am, I can’t do that until he returns.”

Her chin lowered, something in her tone sharpening to a lethal edge. “Do you know who I am?”