“What’s wrong?” Axel asked.

“Just some texts from Harper.” I raked through her messages in my head, specifically the one about cancelling and the possibility of my secretary lying. That was interesting, to say the least. And it made me wonder if Jessa had embellished the truth somehow.

Or maybe she recognized Harper and didn’t want her around.

This possibility scorched through me, acting as a breeze to the red embers of my desire. I’d been permanently half-hard since hugging her in my office that morning, and more than desperate to get her alone somewhere, somehow. Even though I knew I shouldn’t, I wanted to dive back into her warmth. Seeing her in tears, in need of a hug, had broken down one of the last standing walls inside my mind and heart. I couldn’t keep acting like she wasn’t the gorgeous, sweet, inviting, hilarious, and genuine beauty that she was.

But you should if you want to keep yourself safe.

“Harper was in today,” Francis said, smiling up at the server as she brought the newest round of drinks. “She didn’t look very happy.”

“Because I forgot about our meeting,” I said, reaching for my new glass of wine. I started the scan for Jessa again. It was 7:04.

“Haven’t seen her on the schedule much anymore,” Axel murmured with a shit-eating grin on his face. “She used to come at least once a week…”

“Yeah, well, we’ve been busy,” I said, sipping my wine.

“Harper is a catch,” Francis said, sipping at his wine. “You two are so cute together.”

“Hey, y’all!” A bright, feminine voice yanked at my attention, and I nearly broke my neck turning. It was Jessa. Lord almighty, it was finally fucking Jessa. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I went to the wrong restaurant!”

Her laughter was like a fresh breeze as she tugged off some black gloves that accented her dress. Even though it was the same one she’d worn the office today, a deep slate blue piece with black buttons down the front, the new accessories made the look entirely different. She wore a floppy black hat, and a boxy handbag hung from the crook of her elbow. All of the air in my lungs evaporated as she tugged a gray jacket off and sat down, looking and feeling like a totally different person than the woman I’d been lusting after since morning.

“How is that possible?” Francis asked. “There’s only one Monaco Lounge.”

“What can I say?” Jessa shrugged, setting her handbag on the table before she eased into the seat between Francis and me. “I’m a New York newbie! Plus the front doors of the next place over arerightunder the Monaco Lounge sign.”

“I like the hat, Jessa,” Axel said. “How was the rest of your day?”

“Oh, it was great. Had a few too many bagels though. The buttons on this dress are liable to pop off any second, so take cover, y’all.”

I ran my thumb along my bottom lip as she spoke, unable to focus on anything that wasn’t Jessa. Her pink lips. Her winged eyeliner. Her easy smile and the tiniest hint of those freckles. Her gaze finally swung my way, and something flashed in her eyes.

Fear? Or maybe it was desire.

Whatever it was, I intended to get to the bottom of it. Along with a couple other things.

“I got you a glass of wine,” I told her, gesturing to the Carménère waiting for her. I lifted my glass, encouraging her to do the same. “To excellent staff who can handle anything when the bosses are gone.”

Okay, maybe I’d said that on purpose. That same fear flashed through her eyes again, and her throat bobbed. The four of us clinked glasses.

Jessa’s worried gaze met mine as she sipped at her wine. Then she set it down, popping another bright smile on. “So, what’s on the agenda tonight?”

“We are simply thanking you both for a job well done,” Axel said, gesturing at Francis and Jessa. “We know how stressful things have been lately. We wanted to wine and dine you two. Make sure you don’t slink away with all our secrets.”

Jessa laughed. “The secrets I’ve learned so far haven’t beenthatexciting.”

Axel recoiled in mock horror. “Are you saying we’re boring?”

“Well, no. But I really thought you billionaires might have some crazy sex dungeons or at least some very questionable art that the internet would love to pick apart.”

Axel sent me a smug look. “You haven’t shown her the sex dungeon?”

This was the last thing I wanted to talk about in front of Jessa. Any reference to sex reminded me that I wasn’t having it with Jessa, and I desperately wanted that to change.

“Listen, all sex dungeons aside, Axel and I are really glad you two are on our team. So thanks.” I lifted my glass again, something hot and urgent pulsing through my veins. The more alcohol I drank, the harder it was to keep it under wraps. Or maybe that was the goal?

“A surprise employee benefit night,” Jessa said with a laugh. “I’m always down for that!”