Page 37 of Yours Until Dawn

She bent her head, unbound hair falling forward over her face. She stared down at his cock, skillfully toying with him to the exclusion of all else—even him.

Drew wanted to see her expression, and he reached out to move her hair back from her face. Aurora evaded his hand, and he saw determination in her face…and something that alarmed him, too.


He quickly brushed her hands from him and reached out to catch her chin in his fingers. He lifted her gaze to his immediately, and a panicked expression crossed her features.

“Did you not like it?” she asked quickly, and reached for his cock again.

“I did, of course.” Drew gripped her wrist to stop her stroking him. “But you don’t have to continue if you don’t like doing it.”

“I do,” she whispered, but Drew knew a lie when he heard one.

He sat up but kept her over his thighs. She wouldn’t meet his eye anymore. He leaned in. “You were not enjoying making love to me. So, we stop. Now.”

She nodded quickly and expelled a long shaky breath. “I had been.”

Had? As in the past?

He swung them around so his feet were flat on the floor, and Aurora immediately cuddled into him, holding him tight but he was sure he felt her tremble. They remained enveloped in an awkward silence for a long while. Drew pressed a kiss to her brow, worried about what had just happened. Something had spooked her.

“When I suggested you take me in hand, I did not mean literally. I meant for you to do whatever you wanted with me. To be on top, rather than under, if that interested you at all. To determine how we make love to each other.”

“Oh. I thought you expected me to…to…”

She did not continue her comment, and Drew wondered why she held back. A cock in hand was one way of climaxing for a man. But was she revolted by the idea he might expect more, like having her take his cock into her mouth, too? While he had enjoyed that in the past, he was aware some ladies didn’t find the idea appealing at all, especially if they’d been forced to do it before by another man. The idea of her being in such a situation had him drawing her tighter against him.

Aurora did not seem to mind and relaxed into him slowly. After a few minutes she sighed heavily. Her fingertips danced lightly over his bicep. “You’re more muscled than I imagined you to be.”

He nuzzled her hair and allowed the topic to change. “You thought me idle and weak, too?”

“No. Of course not. I’ve seen statues, of course, but the reality of you is quite different from my imagination.”

“I’m warmer, for one, and made of flesh and blood.” He caught her eye. “When did you first imagine me naked?”

“When we first met,” she admitted shyly, ducking her head again.

He hugged her tight and kissed her brow. “I’m flattered. I really should have paid you more attention before.”

She glanced down between them at his erection. It had softened completely in the face of her distaste. “I never expected you too.”

He sighed, thinking of the lost time when he might have been with this woman, getting to know her better. Wooing her into his arms and later, his bed. “You should have. Give me a kiss, lovely. It’s been too long since our last.”

Aurora leaned toward him but stopped inches from claiming his lips, her expressive green eyes fixed upon his. There was still wariness reflected in them, but at last she settled her lips against his. It was a hesitant kiss, so unlike their earlier passion that he paid more attention to making the moment better.

But he was worried. Aurora’s mood could change in the blink of an eye if she didn’t like what she heard.

No, that wasn’t it. He’d asked her to do something sexual to him, and she’d reacted as if he’d given her no choice in the matter.

He would have to remember not to order Aurora about in the bedroom and choose his words with more care. Some women forgave men some bossiness in the bedroom, others didn’t. Clearly, Aurora was one of the latter.

She moved her hips slightly closer, teasing his cock with the brush of her curls, and a shudder shook his whole body. Just one touch from her and he was helplessly aroused. He caught her eye as he broke the kiss. “Does it please you to know I’m becoming hard for you?”

“Yes,” she said in a whisper. “I like knowing that.”

“I was hard the moment you appeared at the door,” he confessed. “You’re everything I want, and if it doesn’t always come out right, I’ll ask your forgiveness. Lust makes me blunt and perhaps a little bossy about what I want.”

“Men are all the same, be they a lord or a poor farmer,” she said, turning her face aside suddenly. Her breath rushed out of her lungs loudly as she rose up against him, and then settled with the definite intention of placing the tip of his cock at her entrance.