Page 63 of Yours Until Dawn

She produced a parcel wrapped in cloth and uncovered three pies. “Apple for our supper.”

“Thank you, my dear.” He kissed her cheek and dropped the parcel into the butler’s outstretched hands. “For later, Jensen. I would eat them now, Aurora, but we have a visitor. Scarsdale is here.”

“Oh,” she said, looking past him with a worried expression.

“You don’t have to speak with him if you don’t want,” he promised quietly.

But she smiled and nodded. “Of course, I do.”

They walked together back into the library, arm in arm.

Scarsdale was waiting, a bright smile on his face. He came forward immediately and bowed to her. “My dear Miss Hillcrest, it’s been too long.”

Aurora curtsied. “My lord, it is an honor to have you visit my home.”

“The honor is mine,” Scarsdale assured her. “I’m glad to see you looking so well.”

Aurora’s grip tightened on Drew’s arm momentarily as she looked up into his eyes. “I am very happy indeed.”

A world of affection was aimed on him in that smile, and he basked in the warmth of Aurora’s approval. “We both are.”

Scarsdale cleared his throat repeatedly, reclaiming their attention.

“Yes, well,” Aurora murmured. “I’m sure you gentlemen have much to say to each other. If you don’t mind, I have some business to attend to.”

“Of course,” Drew murmured, sorry to have her go so soon but perhaps it was for the best. She had responsibilities as the lady of the house and likely some letters to write on behalf of her clients. He knew better than to interfere in that venture until she asked for his involvement.

“Until next time, Miss Hillcrest,” Scarsdale called as she slipped from the room and turned toward the study.

Drew turned to face Scarsdale, uncertain of what to expect from him now.

The man was fighting a smile. “Now that is something I never expected to see.”

“What is that?”

His grin widened. “Why, I do believe Miss Hillcrest is in love.”

Drew gaped. “Love?”

“Oh, absolutely. I’ve known her as long as you. I’ve watched her around other men. I’ve known the fellows she thought handsome, the ones who attracted her. Those who didn’t pass muster, she ignored. That would be me, by the way. No matter how I tried, I could never capture her attention the way you have. But never in all of our acquaintance have I ever seen her in love with anyone.” Scarsdale slapped Drew’s chest. “Congratulations. You are one lucky bastard.”

Drew shuffled his feet and looked toward the study, where Aurora had disappeared a moment ago. She had never said a word about loving him. She cared, she lusted, but that deeper emotion had never been spoken of between them. Could it be true? Having Scarsdale, who wasn’t the sharpest card in the deck, see her regard went a lot further than he’d suspected, giving him profound satisfaction. What they had together was good. But being in love was certainly better. “Do you think so?”

“Oh, yes. Definitely in love. I learned early to avoid those types of women. Too much trouble. They’ll never betray their husbands for a quick thrill up against a wall with me, or if they did, there’d be weeping about their betrayal for months on end after.” Scarsdale nodded. “Keep doing what you’re doing, and one day I’m sure I’ll sit down at your wedding breakfast.”

“That is a lot to expect at this juncture.”

“And yet you still hope, or why else put yourself through a scandal? You could have walked away,” Scarsdale said, spreading his arms wide. “Besides, hope is never a waste of time. But it’s your life and I’m not in your position. You ought to tell her you’re in love with her, too. She hasn’t the faintest idea how committed you are.”

Scarsdale left the room abruptly, leaving Drew alone with his thoughts. He sank into a chair, troubled by an omission he’d never meant to make. He had not told Aurora he’d fallen for her…because he’d thought it was blindingly obvious. He wouldn’t have gone so far if he’d not held her in the highest regard.

Love, absolutely. He’d lost his heart a second time and had no regrets.

But he also had no idea how to bring up their being in love with each other, or even if he needed to. Some things just happened naturally.

“Are you so beyond the pale that you’ve forfeited the ability to keep an employee around to answer the door,” Northport barked loudly behind him. “Or even write a letter informing me of your change of address?”

Drew looked up and then shot to his feet. “Father!”