Page 33 of Yours Until Dawn

She gasped as her gown sagged around her body. Sullivan had somehow managed to undo her buttons without her feeling a thing. Her gown was stripped away, and Sullivan took it to carefully arrange it over the only chair in the room. She was grateful for his care, but uncomfortable being the only one standing about in their underclothes.

Sullivan returned quickly, shedding his coat, and he caught her up against him again. His hands swept up her body to capture her breasts. Aurora groaned at how good it felt. Him touching her. No fumbling. No hesitation.

No threats.

Sullivan was no novice in the carnal arts. She expected a great deal of pleasure from him after yesterday’s generous intimacy.

Her underclothes fell away piece by piece.

“You are horribly efficient at that,” she murmured approvingly as he again laid out her underclothes carefully, so they would not be more wrinkled when she put them back on. “Faster than any maid I’ve known.”

“I am quick about it because I want you desperately,” he promised. “You were all I thought about since yesterday. The taste of you on my tongue. Come to the bed, Aurora.”

Aurora turned toward it. It was a high bed that required her to climb up. She did it slowly, and Sullivan groaned behind her. Delighted by the sound, she waggled her derriere a little more obviously.

She knew how to tease to speed up proceedings.

Sullivan was immediately pressed against her behind, as she had hoped he would be. Evidence of his arousal poking her through his trousers. His fingers clamped tight on her hips. “You shouldn’t provoke a man like that unless you’re prepared for the consequences.”

Consequences from Sullivan would be easy to bear. He was a gentleman at all times. Respectful of her. But slow to take what he needed without encouragement. He was the type of man who might ask her forgiveness if he got a little too heated between the sheets. “Who says I’m not eagerly anticipating you, my lord?”

“Drew. Call me by my name when we are together like this.” Another groan, and fabric rustled as he stripped behind her. Judging by the sound, he was quite rushed. “God, I hope you’re ready for what we’re about to do.”

Aurora was. But she would not drop the use of his name anywhere, even in private. She was not comfortable whispering endearments to men, as some women might do more easily. She had to keep some formality between them, if only on her side.

“Aurora? Where are you?” His lips brushed her back and then his hand gripped her shoulder, trying to pull her around to face him.

“I’m here,” she promised, resisting his efforts to turn her over onto her back. “Don’t keep me waiting.”

Aurora arched her back at the first prod of Sullivan’s hot cock between her legs, and she held her breath as he sought her entrance. There would be no barrier to break, no reason to cry out in pain. She would not pretend to be an innocent. He could take her any way he chose today, and she’d enjoy it.

But he proceeded with the bedding slowly, and it was all she could do not to beg for him to get inside her.

Sullivan was mostly seated in her when he reached around and sought to tease her clitoris with gentle fingers. Aurora gasped out loud, unable to hide how enjoyable his touch was there. His attention to her needs wasn’t expected but appreciated. He worked his magic against her clit. Strumming her with patience and skill until she was panting and on the verge of a climax.

Only then did he take care of himself. He gripped her hips in his hands and slowly worked himself inside her body, taking his time as he made love to her. No matter how hard Aurora tried to hurry him along, he continued at his own pace, increasing her pleasure into the bargain.

Aurora shut her eyes, her tension increasing as his thrusts became relentless. She clenched the sheets, bracing herself, and realized she would come before him because of the steady pace he’d set.

He thrust into her with a single-mindedness she couldn’t complain about. If she had been a virgin, she would have appreciated the control he exerted over his lust where other men she’d known had not bothered.

Aurora, however, had no control over her own lust. She was always impatient for her peak.

She put her hand between her legs and toyed with her clitoris herself. A few strokes might be all that was needed to climax. And then it would be over when Sullivan released his seed.

He sank deep and then stopped, holding still, panting against her upper back. But Aurora’s climax was just there, ready to burst from her at any moment. She squirmed and twisted under him, and he allowed her to work herself along his cock, finding those places inside that felt the best and increased her pleasure until she was moaning.

She came much too loudly, but quickly lowered her face into the mattress to mute the sound in case he didn’t like to hear a woman lose control.

When it was over, Sullivan finally began to move again. Aurora shamelessly encouraged him, too. She was taken somewhat more vigorously from then on, and Sullivan let out a great bellowing roar that included her own name as he withdrew to spill his seed on the sheets beneath them.

He toppled over her, pinning her down in an awkward position as he panted for breath against the back of her neck.

Aurora bore the extra weight until he got too heavy, and then she wriggled to silently ask for freedom.

He rolled aside immediately. “Marry me?”

Aurora blinked at the unwanted question. She had chosen to remain unburdened by any husband many years ago. She’d not be taken for granted, and certainly their trysts would never change her mind.