
“Ryan,” Declan cut him off. “I’m not worried about Nat. If she can handle Lauren, then she can get along with anyone.”

Unsurprisingly, Lauren had spent the last four months being difficult. Declan had set firm boundaries and enforced them. His attorneys received letters and two motions. But Natalie’s approach was to smile and attempt to befriend Lauren. Yesterday when Lauren dropped Chris off, Declan swore he saw her smile at Natalie. It wasthathard not to like her.

And life with her had been great so far.

“If things are that good, when are you locking that up? Moving her and her daughter into your place and putting a ring on it?” Ryan asked.

Declan shook his head. Everything with Ryan was always a million percent. “Not all of us move at lightning speed, Ry.”

He wanted nothing more than to have Natalie and Addy officially living with him and Chris. But she wanted to give it a few months to test out their relationship during the season. He didn’t blame her, but he wasn’t worried. Even Greg was cool with him. He’d asked for a few autographs, which Declan didn’t mind, but Greg had allowed Declan to build a relationship with Addy without resentment.

“We’ll get there,” Declan assured his best friend.

“I bet they’ll be living with you by the end of the season.” Ryan raised his eyebrows, daring Declan to disagree.

“My goal is by the all-star break.”

“Oh shit.” Ryan laughed. “You’re smiling. Itisserious.”

Declan glared at him. Why was he such an asshole? But when he stepped into the family suite and took in the scene, he couldn’t help the way his lips tipped up.

“I’m so fucking happy for you, man,” Ryan said with a quick squeeze to his shoulder before he disappeared.

Declan watched his family for a long moment. Steve, Marc’s son, and Chris sat on the floor across from Natalie and Addy, teaching them how to play War with baseball cards.

“Okay, I’ll put Dad’s card down. Now you have to play a card that beats his stats,” Chris explained. “If you can.”

Natalie’s face lit up as she threw down a card. “Like that? He’s better than your dad. Did I do it right?”

Chris giggled and Declan coughed. Natalie whipped her head his way, wearing a smile that made him forget all about how she’d just trumped his card with CoreyfuckingMatthews.

“The boys are teaching us to play War.” Natalie looked at the cards in her hand. “But Addy and I are definitely losing. We only have two more cards.”

He could get them more cards. There was an all-star pack—

“Here.” Marc Demoda, their pitching coach, handed Natalie a stack before giving Declan a nod. “Good game today, Lowery.”

“The all-star pack?” Declan asked.

“Steve needs to lose a few games,” Marc assured with a smirk.

Declan chuckled, watching both Chris and Steve groan at the card Natalie was now tossing down.

“Dec-Dec.” Addy jumped to her feet and ran to Declan, her arms out, knowing he’d scoop her up.

“You made the ball fly today!” She grinned. This girl had spent the last few months solidifying her place in his heart, right next to Chris and Natalie.

“She was your biggest cheerleader every time you went up to bat,” Natalie called over her shoulder.

Declan sat with Addy on his lap and watched Natalie. She won another round before smirking at him. Could she see how happy he was to have them here? He hoped so because he was looking forward to this sight after every home game. With his Goldilocks next to him, it was hard to feel like a grumpy bear.

Want to see more of the

New York Metros Baseball team?

Check out Corey, the all-star pitcher, and Taran, the reporter who has his number, who can’t stay away, even if they can’t stand each other.