Hell. Or possibly heaven. He couldn’t be sure.

Neither the tree nor Natalie was on the ground. Win. His view included a close-up of one of the most perfect asses he’d ever seen.Win.

“Are you trying to knock me into the tree?” She laughed as she teetered on the slim edge of the sofa.

“I’m trying to preventanotherdisaster.” The words were harsh, but the idea of her getting hurt again clawed at his gut.

Natalie scoffed. “Just ’cause I’m not a sports ball player doesn’t mean I cause constant disasters.”

“Goldilocks, since we met, you’ve fallen off a counter, given me a black eye, crashed the car into the gate, given yourself a concussion, and hit me in the face with a snowball.”

Her eyes narrowed as she stared down, but then she sighed. “When you say it likethat, it sounds bad.”

Declan softened at her reaction. “It’s important to me that you and the tree stay in one piece, okay?”

She whipped her head around to look at him, almost losing her footing again. Those big brown orbs sparkled as they met his, and the air cracked around them. Declan desperately wanted to pull her down and take her in his arms.

“Natalie’s butt’s in your face, Dad.” Chris laughed from the floor, where he was coloring paper snowflakes.

“I see that. Thanks, bud.”

“That’sgross,” he said, standing and heading to the half bath.

In about twelve years, they could revisit this idea. Because at this point, Declan couldn’t explain why he’d be happy as fuck with Natalie’s ass anywhere near him. But for now, he helped Natalie down. Her hands gently pressed into his shoulders as she stepped off the sofa, and Declan lowered her to the ground, letting her body slide down his slowly. Lavender swamped his senses, and her thigh brushed against his hard-on. He gritted his teeth against the burning ache he couldn’t act on.

“Turns out the only mess is on you.” Natalie smirked.

Declan’s eyes shot down to his pants. Shit. No way.

Natalie threw her head back and laughed.

“What?” he asked.

“The popcorn,” she managed between cackles.

He peeked over the back of the sofa to where the bowl had landed sideways and white kernels dusted the fabric like snow. He rolled his eyes. Compared to most of the messes he’d witnessed in the last few days, this one was nothing.

Declan hadn’t had a minute alone with Natalie all day, but standing with his arms around her now, he finally let the words break free. “I’m sorry I acted like an ass last night.”

“No. You were right. I don’t know your situation, and I overstepped.” She pulled her hands away from his shoulders and stepped back, taking her soothing heat with her. Her loose sweater slipped off her shoulder, revealing soft skin that begged for his touch.

“You didn’t—” He shook his head. He didn’t know her well, but he already valued her opinion. And he wanted her to know that.

“I’m just the girl who broke into your house.” She smiled, brown eyes crinkling at the corners as she shrugged and tried to turn away.

But he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to his chest before she could put space between them. Her breath caught as he tucked her into his arms. The way she fit against him caused a warmth to spread deep in the pit of his stomach.

“I’m pretty sure you’re more than that,” he whispered against the soft tresses of her hair.

She pulled back, eyes wide, and opened her mouth before snapping it shut and glancing away.

Fuck. That was too much. Not only was he severely out of practice, but he’d never been naturally smooth with women. He didn’t want to make things awkward, but he was tired of avoiding their connection.

Without a word, she stepped back as footsteps sounded from the other side of the tree. Chris appeared, holding a stack of colorful snowflakes and beaming at his work. Natalie was responsible for that. Her ideas and enthusiasm had made this week so much better.

Damn, he was glad his brother had fucked everything up with her rental. And although now wasn’t the moment, Nataliewouldbe in his arms by the end of the night. She’d become a burning ache in his system, and he couldn’t ignore the way it smoldered any longer.

Even though Chris and Natalie ate more popcorn than they strung, the tree was decorated an hour later. It wasn’t the prettiest tree ever, but Chris loved it, and Natalie was smiling.