Then he sighed and dropped his arms to his sides. “I guess that’s something.”
Maybe it wasn’t the sturdiest of olive branches to get in return, but she’d take it. Take it and run with it, especially since she had a question for him.
“I was wondering...” She paused, waiting him out. Forcing him to engage.
It took him a minute, but he finally sighed and grunted, “What?”
Ah, the taciturn sound of victory.
“Isn’t it . . .” Her nose wrinkled. “Isn’t it a little odd that the showrunners chose fat actors for characters not specified as fat in the source material? As far as I know, neither Ron nor R.J. has ever expressed an interest in body diversity, and they don’tseem like natural champions of fat acceptance in Hollywood. But maybe you know something I don’t?”
After she’d seen the other actors up for the roles of Cassia and Cyprian, certain suspicions about the showrunners’ intent had crept into her thoughts. As a Hollywood insider, though, Peter would understand the dynamics better than she would. And hopefully, asking him to share his experience and wisdom would flatter his ego enough that he’d stop being a dick.
But he only lifted a shoulder. “I don’t care why they did it. I’m just grateful they did.”
Well, that was remarkably unhelpful.
“And you should be grateful too,” he added. “A lot more grateful than you seem to be.”
Also patronizing.
Maybe he simply needed time to get past his wounded pride. She’d give it one more try, and if he didn’t respond to this attempt at reconciliation, she’d let it go for now.
“Peter.” Keeping her voice calm and quiet, she moved a step closer to him. “I know you’re unhappy with me. But from what I understand, we’ll almost always be the only two actors shooting on that island. And throughout E. Wade’s books, Cyprian and Cassia remain stuck there, so we could be filming together for years.Years. I’ll have to rely on you, and you’ll have to rely on me. Otherwise—”
Before she could even finish her thought, he wasroaringwith laughter. Bent over at the waist, he actually slapped his knees in merriment before looking up at her and laughing harder.
“I’ll have to...” Shaking his head, he wiped his eyes with the collar of his shirt and calmed himself. “Jesus Christ almighty, I’m not going to rely onyou.”
If anyone ever handed him an actual olive branch, he’d probably snap it over his knee and use it as kindling, then extinguish the resulting flames by urinating on them.
He gave a final, rude little snort. “Have you ever filmed on location?”
“No.” A lie might be easier, but she wasn’t ashamed, and she wasn’t backing down.
“What about working with a camera crew? Have you done that before?”
She pressed her lips together. “Sometimes my performances got filmed for television.”
“How often?” he pressed, his eyebrows raised in mocking inquiry.
“Not that often.”
Three times, maybe? And she hadn’t been asked to alter her performance for the cameras, although she didn’t intend to volunteer that tidbit of damning information.
“Hmmm.” In a singularly infuriating gesture, he stroked his beard, as if in deep contemplation. “Have you acted in front of a green screen before?”
Skit, he was obnoxious. “No.”
“I see.” All at once, he dropped his hand and his curious-professor act. “So how the fuck could I possibly rely on you? You know next to nothing about what we’ll be doing.”
Given the shooting location and circumstances, she genuinely didn’t see how he’d have a choice in the matter. He’d only rarely be performing opposite anyone else, and people who shared one-on-one scenes necessarily leaned on their acting partners.
Clearly, though, he was going to try to find a way. His unyielding obstinacy would almost be impressive, if it weren’t so shortsighted and self-defeating.
Also stupid. Very, very stupid.
“I’m just going to do my job to the best of my ability and try not to let your performance harm mine.” Pushing away from the car door, he stepped closer and ducked his head to make certain she could see nothing but his face, hear nothing but his derision. “We’re not on the same side here. We’re not a team, we’re not going to stand united, and you’re no longer in a socialist country. Welcome to unfettered capitalism, Pippi.”