Page 48 of Ship Wrecked

“I’ll be fine.” He waved that concern aside. “Speaking of future roles, what do you have lined up?”

As her good friend, he should have asked long ago. But he hadn’t mustered the courage before now, because the knowledge would make their impending separation feel more real to him, their time together more finite.

Then again, she hadn’t asked him either. Hmmm.

“I have a few offers and some possible auditions waiting for me back in LA.” With her thumbnail, she scraped away a little spot from Jeanine’s counter, eyes affixed to her task. “I’m still considering them and making up my mind about my next step.”

Well, that was vague as hell, especially for the Baroness of Bluntness.

“I assume you’re seeing your family soon. I know you miss them.”

Hopefully the visit wouldn’t stretch too long, because he’d intended to use their brief gap between projects, while they were both in LA, to woo her. He also wanted to show her the house he’d bought with hisGatesearnings, since it was his pride and joy. The touchstone he used to reaffirm everything he’d achieved, as well as everything he’d left behind forever.

He could stay patient, though. He’d already waited years. And now that she’d be living in California, they had time to settle things between them.

She nodded. “Unless shooting runs long, I’m flying to Stockholm this weekend.”

So soon. So goddamnsoon.

Fuck patience. He wasn’t ready to be parted from her. Not yet.

“Right.” If he traveled to Sweden while she was visiting her family and spent a few days with her there, would she welcome his presence? Or consider it an intrusion?

“What about you?” she asked, finally looking up at him. “Do you have something lined up?”

“I’m in the same position as you, mostly.” He lifted a shoulder. “I have a few minor jobs booked, but I haven’t decided on my next big project. I figured that could wait until we finished filming.”

She made a sort of noncommittal hum. “I see.”

Her gaze was oddly watchful, and he couldn’t quite read her expression.

Of course, he could justask. “Maria, you seem—”

Just then, the door to the trailer opened once more. This time, without an angry thud.

“Turns out, they didn’t have time to wallow in pettiness. They’re too busy dealing with all the other shit that’s going wrong.” Nava didn’t even make it fully inside the door before she began talking. “Maria, you’re good to go. They’re pissed, obviously, but there’s not much they can do about it at the moment. Peter, we made the executive decision not to mention your willingness to walk away unless it proved necessary, and it didn’t. Your name didn’t come up at all, so you can relax too.”

Maybe it made him a coward, but he couldn’t help his small sigh of relief.

The curve of Maria’s lips turned smugly triumphant, and she raised her hand for a high-five with Nava, then Ramón, which they returned with enthusiasm.

Then she leaned toward Peter and raised her hand again, but not for a high-five. To clasp his own hand palm-to-palm, their elbows bent, as if they were confirming a sacred vow with a ceremonial handshake.

“And that’s how solidarity works, Peter.” She winked at him. “Welcome to unfettered socialism, you utterskitstövel.”

He snorted. And in perfect accord, they smiled at each other.

Peter’s E-Mail

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Your monthly roundup of smutty RPF starring YOU!

To my favorite shipwrecked Viking dude, who has, ironically, inspired fervent shipping—

This month’s treasure trove of Real-Person Fiction is especially rich in delicious smuttery. Probably because the end of the series is coming soon, so fans have realized their well of inspiration is about to run dry and are taking advantage of the bounty while it lasts. (However much credit you’re giving me for not elaborating on the “running dry” metaphor, IT’S NOT ENOUGH.)