Page 43 of Ship Wrecked

Although he’d be willing to do so for the cause. Maria, on the other hand, wouldn’t.

“So what’s the alternative?” Maria drummed her fingers on the surface of the little conference table Darrell had squeezed into a production trailer. “Just a regular nude thong?”

“For you, yes. It’s one option for Peter as well.” The intimacy coordinator cleared her throat delicately. “But he could also wear a—”

“Cock sock!” Maria swiveled toward him, face alight with glee. “That’s what it’s called, right?”

At the moment, he envied Cyprian, whose acute suffering had at least ended, and who never had to hear Cassia utter the wordcockwith that agile tongue of hers.

“I believe so.” He knew so. “At least, that’s the unofficial term.”

“Correct.” Delia let out a tiny, near-silent sigh. “The choice is up to you two, obviously. Whatever makes you both most comfortable.”

Honestly, he’d prefer not to rip out his pubic hair or experience stubble near his groin, and he didn’t particularly want to floss his butt crack for a goddamn week, so...

“If Maria is fine with it, I’ll go with, uh, the”—cock sock cocksock cocksockcocksock—“latter option.”

Stuffing his dick and balls into a drawstring pouch couldn’t hurt him any more than this discussion already had, he supposed.

“Ah. A wise choice for a wise man.” Maria turned back to Delia. “And I’m good with a thong. Or nothing at all, for that matter.”

“A thong, then.” With another infinitesimal sigh, the other woman made a note. “All right, let’s discuss what happens once Cyprian and Cassia move to the bed. First, he’ll kneel on the floor and perform cunnilingus on Cassia while they maintain eye contact. We should map that whole sequence out, step by step, then determine in advance exactly how long their eye contact will last and where he’ll be touching her during the act.”

Slowly, Peter closed his eyes and prayed to the god of thwarted lust for deliverance.

“I figured he’d be spreading my thighs with his hands, but Isuppose he could be holding my ass or playing with my breasts instead.” Maria sounded thoughtful. “What are your thoughts, Peter?”

Holy fuck. Before their next discussion with Delia, he was jacking his dick raw.

With a concerted effort, he managed to choke out, “I have no thoughts.”

Not ones he could share, anyway. So it wasn’t even a lie.

Gods of the GatesCast Chat: Three Years Ago

Alex:Maria and Peter



Alex:You better watch out

Marcus:Dude, I have no idea what you’re doing, and I can’t count how many times I’ve already told you this, but: You realize that can be construed as a threat, right?

Alex:You better not cry

Carah:What the Christmas fuck, Alex

Alex:You better not pout

Peter:I don’t pout

Peter:I brood manfully

Alex:I’m telling you why

Maria:Yes, a bit more context would be welcome at this particular juncture