Page 123 of Before I Let Go

Me:I got one word for you. 69.

Josiah:That’s not a word.

Me:Whatever you want to call it, it was your idea.

Josiah:I seem to remember you approving.

My cheeks heat, and I feel like a teenager passing notes in math class. When I glance up, Hendrix and Soledad both watch me with identical curiosity.

“Who got you biting your lip all dirty?” Hendrix imitates me biting my bottom lip in what I hope is not even close to how I look.

I slip the phone back in my pocket. “No idea what you’re talking about.”

“You got a man?” Hendrix demands. “’Cause if you been holding out on us—”

“Is it Mark?” Soledad cuts in. “He seems very happy lately.”

“He’s doing well in the polls,” I answer. “Nothing to do with me. Besides, I told him I thought we should remain just friends.”

“Well, who is it then?” Hendrix asks. “We’ll find out one way or the other.”

“It’ll have to be the other,” I tell them with a smug grin. “Because it’s nunya.”

“Oh, I got your nunya.” Hendrix stands and tackles me to the floor.

“Get off me,” I huff. “Oh, my God. What are you…Get off.”

“Get her phone, Sol!” Hendrix orders, pinning my arms and legs to the floor with her entire body laid on top of me.

Soledad, traitor that she is, squirms into our writhing pretzel of womanhood and manages to fish my phone from my pocket.

“I got it!” she squeals, leaping up and taking off to the living room, holding my phone over her head triumphantly.

I finally manage to shove Hendrix off, scrambling to my feet and pursuing Soledad, but it’s too late. By the time I reach her, she’s sitting on the floor, back pressed to the couch, reading my text messages with wide eyes, mouth hanging open.

“Oh, my stars.” Soledad tosses her head back and cackles. “You’re not gonna believe this, Hen.”

I snatch my phone and fall onto the couch with a groan. Here we go.

“Lemme see,” Hendrix says, extending her hand for my phone.

“No.” I shake my head and release an exasperated breath.

“You let Sol see,” Hendrix complains, settling onto the floor beside Soledad.

“No, she took my phone.” Staring up at the ceiling, I sigh and accept the fact that it’s no use trying to hide it anymore. “I slept with Josiah.”

A holy hush falls over the room…for about two seconds, and then both women explode into giggles. I sit up and narrow-eye them both.

“When?” Hendrix asks, mirth still all over her face.

“Um, you mean when did Ilastsleep with him?” I ask, my voice pitching higher at the tail end.

Soledad’s eyes round. “You’re having an affair with Josiah?”

“Is it really an affair if it’s your husband?” I ask.

“Is he really your husband if you’redivorced?” Hendrix counters. “Spill.”