Page 118 of Before I Let Go

“Shit, Yas.” He dips his head to scatter kisses at my neck. “I’mma come.”

He starts pulling out, but I grab his ass and won’t let him go.

“I’m on birth control,” I whisper. “Don’t pull out.”

He stills, looks down at me, and a frown puckers his thick, dark brows. “I’ve never been raw with anyone else. I promise.”

“I believe you.” I reach up to brush my fingertips over the fullness of his lips. “Give it to me.”

He groans, closing his eyes tightly and dropping his head for a consuming kiss that steals all thought and makes me forget where we are and what day it is. It is a kiss cloaked in mist and memory. Cold puffs of air surround us in the garage, licking at my cheeks. He holds me like forever was never promised and like nothing is inevitable. With arms that take not one thing for granted. The heat of his release floods me, and I kiss him in a chaos of tongues and swollen lips and ragged breaths. For long seconds, our hearts pound through our clothes, our labored breathing the only sound in the world.

“Mom!” Deja calls from inside.

“Oh, shit.” Josiah pulls out, scrambles off me and through the back door of the car.

I’m not far behind, sliding my bare butt across the cool leather seats and searching the garage floor for my underwear.

“Crap,” I groan. “If Deja sees us…”

“Or her friends.” He zips up and belts his pants hastily. “She’ll kill us.”

Her footsteps pound down the stairs, coming closer. My nipples are still hard, poking shamelessly against the bodice of my dress. I feel a slight burn on my neck where Josiah’s stubble scraped the sensitive skin. His cum is leaking down my leg. I’m a mess. Not just the scramble to hide what we’ve been doing, but inside. Blood is singing through my veins and I’m floating. I’m unraveled by the fact that it happened at all.

He pulls me against him for a quick kiss, taking a precious second to look at me, his eyes going gentler even in our race to set our clothes to rights. “We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”


I want to tell him I don’t care if Deja catches us and pull him to me again, crawl in the back seat to cuddle and relish his bare skin against mine. But I do care. It’s not just us. It’s our kids and their expectations. The changes they’ve been through. Whatever is happening between Si and me, we have to navigate it carefully for their sakes.

He has barely escaped when Deja jerks the kitchen door open and pokes her head in.

“Day,” I say, super casually opening the car door. “What’s up?”

“I was calling you.” She glances around the empty garage. “What are you doing out here?”

“Just looking for something I left in the car.” I fumble around in the center console, pretending to search for said imaginary item. “You need me?”

She presses her hands together beneath her chin. “Can we please go to the movies?”

“It’s your birthday. Whatever you want.”

“Yes.” She turns to go back into the house, but slowly faces me. “Oh, and thank you again for the cake. It was perfect. Everything was.”

My heart warms, and I’m so glad she didn’t walk in on us a few minutes before. I have no idea how Deja would respond to what’s happening between Josiah and me. I don’t even know what itisyet, but I know I want it. I want whatever we can have, but I also want to restore the tattered relationship with my daughter.

“Good. I’m glad, baby. Happy birthday,” I say, smiling. “You guys get ready and I’ll drive you to the movies.”

Once the door closes behind her, I slump against the truck. That was a close call. But also…oh, my God. That was so damn hot. If he were still here, I’d fuck him again. I’d do anything to chase the high of our bodies together, the drugging emotion in his eyes when he looked at me. The way my heart strained to get to him.

When I walk into the kitchen, my phone vibrates on the counter with a text message.

Josiah:All clear?

Me:Barely. You were just through the door when Deja came in.

Josiah:That was amazing.
