Page 90 of Reel

If he had said we’re boarding the next spaceship for Jupiter I couldn’t have been more surprised. Even though I know Takira can’t hear us out here and that no one is listening, I walk over, standing close enough that he’ll hear me whisper. “I thought you said we had to wait.”

His usual inscrutable expression softens, opens to show me what he’s thinking, that he’s feeling.

“I thought I could.” He pushes the hair away from my cheek, over my shoulder. “I was wrong.”

There could be a dozen cameras out here right now and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. I tip up on my toes and link my hands behind his neck. “Yes.”

“Don’t you want to know—”

I press my finger to his lips. “I said yes.”

He slides his hands down my back to rest at the curve of my hips, pulling me closer.

“What changed your mind?” I ask. “You’ve barely acknowledged my existence since Thanksgiving and you seemed to be clear we shouldn’t . . . we shouldn’t ’til after the movie wraps.”

“I still feel that way, but I’m hoping we can be discreet. I need something.” The way he looks at me brushes heat over my cheeks. “I want you.”

He dips, takes my lips, and cups my ass. I strain up, opening my mouth under the hot, seeking slant of his. It’s been weeks and I’m starved for this. His hunger circles mine and we’re groaning and I’m grinding up against him, completely prepared to mount him under this lemon tree. He breaks the kiss, breathing as heavily as I am.

“We’ll wait,” he pants against my lips.



Great this time of year.

The moon?

Who needs gravity?

Because wherever he says we can be together, even if only for a few days secreted away from everyone, that’s where I’ll be.

“I’d like it to be out of town,” he says, “but we start shooting again in a few days, so I need it to be close. Easy. Ever been to Santa Barbara? There’s this place I rent sometimes when I need to get away.”

“That sounds great. I’ll be back a few days before New Year’s.” A bitter laugh escapes me. “I’m going home for Christmas, but I don’t exactly expect a relaxing time and I need to get into the right frame of mind before we start shooting again.”

His big hands at my waist tighten and then caress my back. “You nervous about seeing your sister?”

“I don’t know that I will. Maybe. They’re spending Christmas in Virginia, and I’m only staying a few days. I have no idea what to expect.”

“I hope it goes well.”

“I’m most looking forward to spending some time with my mother. Somehow our relationship suffered even though the split was between Terry and me.” I shrug, not wanting to discuss my family right now. “Anyway, so I’ll be back a couple of days before New Year’s.”

“I’m spending Christmas Day with my mom’s people in Lemon Grove, but I’ll be back in LA that night. When you return, we could drive up to Santa Barbara and come back to LA New Year’s Day. Give us time to get ready for shooting to resume. How’s that sound?”

As an answer, I nod and kiss him lightly, squeezing his dense muscles. I want to do cartwheels through the backyard, but I try to play it cool. He’ll find out soon enough how not-cool I am when it comes to him. His hands tighten at my hips and he groans into our kiss, and then pulls back after a few seconds to drop his forehead against mine.

“I need to go,” he says on a ragged breath. “Kenneth and I are meeting with the set design team one last time before we break for the holidays.”

Taking my hand, he grabs his cookies from the bench and we walk back into the house. In the foyer, he leans against the door and pulls me close to kiss me again, like he can’t help it. Like I’m against his better judgment, but he can’t resist. I feel that. In his arms, risk weighs less than this necessary passion. And it does feel as necessary as breath. He’s hard through the thin fabric of my dress and I have to stop myself from dropping to my knees right here and taking him down my throat.

It has been a long time, and he is the only man I’ve really wanted in ages. He breaks the kiss after a few drugging seconds, and when he pulls away, desire glazes the eyes that are usually so focused.

“I really have to go.” He dips to kiss my forehead. “Thank you again for the cookies. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, Canon.”