Page 189 of Reel

Cal walksover to sit beside her on the bed and picks up the letter.


She need help with medical bills? We can send more money.


What would you say if I said I want to go home?

He gesturesaround the beautifully appointed bedroom.


I would say we are home. Look at where we live. How we live, Dess. Sold out crowds every night. More money than we can count. Respect. I get treated like a man here in France. Not there. They treat dogs better than they treat Negroes, and that’s the God’s honest truth.


Cal, I’ve barely seen my mama at all for the last fifteen years, and now she’s sick. She needs me.


Ain’t nothing in the States for us, Dess. Sidney Bechet is here in France with the world at his feet. One of the greatest to ever pick up a horn, and you know what he was doing in America before he came here? He was a tailor. Last time Josephine Baker went home, the Stork Club wouldn’t even serve her. The toast of Paris. One of the most famous women in the world refused service in her home country. Why would we go back?


Because my mama needs me. She may be dying, Cal.

Dessi stands up and puts on the dress as they continue the discussion.


We could just go until she gets better or . . . until she . . .

Dessi sniffsand wipes away a tear. Cal walks over and takes her in his arms.


Don’t cry, baby. You know I can’t deny you a thing when you cry.


I’m counting on it.


I just got a bad feeling about it. Like if we leave, we won’t ever come back. We live a good life here, don’t we?


Of course, we do. When we left Harlem, I couldn’t have even dreamed half the stuff we’ve done. The places we been. But I miss my family. When your people need you, you go.

I know we have our music, but is it really home if you don’t have the people you love?


I love you and Kitty.