Page 145 of Reel


Mummy, I’m scared.


It’ll be alright.

Bombs dropabove and walls shake. Little girl huddles into her mother’s shoulder and starts to cry. Dessi scoots over the few feet to sit beside them and starts to sing “Look for the Silver Lining.”


Look for the silver lining,

Whenever a cloud appears in the blue,

Remember, somewhere the sun is shining,

And so the right thing to do is make it shine for you

A heart,full of joy and gladness,

Will always banish sadness and strife,

So always look for the silver lining,

And try to find the sunny side of life

A heart,full of joy and gladness,

Will always banish sadness and strife,

So always look for the silver lining,

And try to find the sunny side of life

The little girlpeeks out from her mother’s dress, watching Dessi with wide eyes, thumb in her mouth. When the song ends, someone sitting on a blanket at the base of the quiet escalator calls out.


Sing us another one!

Cal takesout his trumpet and accompanies Dessi on two more tunes, “Them There Eyes” and “Easy Living.” When they finish, those around clap. Dessi and Cal scoot back against the wall. Dessi huddles into her coat trying to stay warm. The man from the escalator, who asked them to sing another, brings them a blanket.

Cal and Dessi snuggle together under the blanket while bombs continue blasting above ground. Dessi loops her arm through Cal’s elbow and lowers her head to his shoulder.


That right there, what we just did, making music and making people smile—that feels like home. Maybe music means I can be at home anywhere in the world.


You’re amazing, Dess.


Go on with you.