Page 138 of Reel

“No way. We don’t sit around talking about that kind of shit.” He laughs and takes my elbow as we negotiate a steep set of steps leading down to the beach where the cast and crew have already started forming a line at an outdoor buffet. “I knew because he’s never been like this before about anyone else.”

“Thanks, Monk.” I smile gratefully, but shut the conversation down as we approach the watching eyes and listening ears of the cast and crew. They may be fine with Canon and me, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t rabidly curious. And I have no intention of giving them any food for thought.

“I see Takira over there,” I tell him. “Thanks again for today. The song sounds a hundred times better.”

“You were already good, but you sound even better.”

I’m still glowing with the pleasure of that when I reach Takira. She and I have separate rooms, which I didn’t expect. She, like most of the crew, has a room in the hotel. I, along with other “above the line” cast and crew, am staying in one of the luxurious cottages along the shoreline. Not a bad view to wake up to. The only thing that would make it better is waking up with Canon. He, Jill, and Kenneth have worked tirelessly with the production team these first two days to prepare the sets and the equipment, plan the shots, review the line edits, confirm the costumes—everything to ensure things on location go as efficiently as possible. I’ve barely seen him, much less slept with him. He did text from a production meeting last night that went on well after midnight. He knew I had an early start and said we’d see each other today.

But alas . . .

“How’s it been going for you guys?” I ask Takira as we load up our plates. I’m pleased to see lots of fish, leafy greens, and fruit.

“All these damn extras! They may be in the background most of the time, but they all need costumes, hair and makeup.”

Takira doesn’t just do my hair and makeup, but helps wherever she is needed.

“How was your day?” She looks at me searchingly. “You feeling okay?”

“Good.” I don’t mention the nausea, which even now stirs at the smell of the mahi mahi on my plate. I’m sure it’s just stress and working too hard. “Monk’s song is great, and we spent most of the day getting it just right for tomorrow’s shoot.”

“Any word from the doc on your blood tests yet?”

“Nope. They sent them off to the lab, and should have them back maybe tomorrow.”

We sit at one of the long tables dotted along the shore, and soon, with the evening breeze, the setting sun, and the great conversation, I’ve forgotten the unsettled feeling in my stomach and am having a great time.

“Hey,” Canon says an hour or so into dinner, standing beside my table. He’s holding a plate loaded with chicken and salad. “Mind if I squeeze in?”

The girl beside me, one of the grips, hastily scoots over to make room for Canon. I feel all eyes on us, but I don’t give a damn. I can’t suppress the grin that widens when he settles in at my side. It’s quiet around us for a few seconds, like everyone’s not sure if they should carry on with the boss at the table. One by one, the crew resume their conversations, and Canon shoots me a wink and a grin.

“How was your day?” I ask when there’s a break for us to talk, keeping my voice low.

“Long. Getting ready to start shooting, but Verity is also tweaking the London scene in the tube during The Blitz.”

“I’m licking my chops for that scene. It’s already fantastic. Can’t wait to see how she makes it even better.”

“If anyone can, it’s Verity. And how was your day?”

“Long.” I laugh. “Monk is as bad as you are.”

“I try to tell people, but they don’t believe me. He fools them with the smile.”

“Whereas you don’t bother with a smile?”

He flashes an exaggerated caricature of a grin, which looks so odd on him, I snort.

“Was that a snuckle?” he asks, taking a bite of his chicken.

I lean my shoulder into his, laughing. “I can’t believe you remember that. I was so nervous around you that night.”

“And now?” he asks, his voice husky, his eyes smoldering. “Do I still make you nervous?”

I don’t answer, just shake my head. Someone across the table asks him a question, and Takira pulls me into a debate about some love at first sight or arranged marriage reality show. Canon and I go our separate ways conversationally, both being drawn in different directions, but he anchors us by holding my hand under the table, and it’s so sweet it makes my heart ache.

He calls me his girlfriend.

He seeks me out in front of everyone.