Page 125 of Reel

“When did what happen?”

His look is wry and knowing.

“I’ve been attracted to her since the beginning,” I admit grudgingly. “But kept my distance as much as I could. Over Thanksgiving we ended up in the same restaurant for dinner, and just connected.”

“So that’s when the affair started?”

“Stop making it sound seedy, and no. New Year’s, we went away to Santa Barbara.”

“So when I talked to you on your way up there, she was with you?”

I nod and he aims one accusing finger at me. “So you lied.”

“Can we do this later? The cast and crew know all of this yet? Heard the podcast?”

“It’s making its way through the grapevine now. Of course, the actors leave their phones in their trailers, but now that we’ve wrapped for the day, I’m sure they all know or will soon.”

Neevah, baby, I’m so sorry.

“I need to see her.” I stand abruptly. “Everyone will be acting weird and speculating. Shit.”

“Where are you going?”

“To try to catch her before she leaves. Kenneth’s meeting with them about the new protocols for shooting on location.”

“I’ll work on connecting with a few of the entertainment shows.”

“I need to sign off on anyone who’s coming to my set. I’m not playing, Evan. This foolishness is not messing with the chemistry we have or anything we’ve spent so much time building.”

“Got it,” he says, his expression finally yielding just a little bit. “And hey. In the grand scheme of things, this is just a PR speed bump. We’ll be fine.”

But is Neevah?