Page 86 of Flawed

“You're a good shot, Detective,” Officer Reyes says. “You knew just where to hit him so you wouldn’t do any lasting damage.”

“It was tempting,” I say, “but he is my father. And I don’t want a dead body on my conscience, for sure.”

Reyes nods. “A lot of us cops have been there. It’s not pretty. But you did good, Detective. Sheriff Bryant is lucky to have you.”

“Thank you.”

I’m aware of how robotic my voice sounds. I’m still reeling from the events of the afternoon. I’m just stating facts, giving the details I know he’ll want for his report. The emotions and feelings pushed to the side. Miles sits beside me, holding my hand.

Miles, the man I love. The man who loves me back.

“What’s going to happen to my father?” I ask. “I mean, after he gets out of the hospital.”

“He’ll be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon of course, unless you don’t want to press charges.”

I don’t reply at first. Heismy father. But he’s somehow involved in what’s going on with Joey and the Bridger family, and it needs to be investigated. We need to prove Chance’s innocence, and I personally want to prove Joey’s, if I can. It’ll all be a lot easier if Curt Hopkins is out of the way. Or at least talking.

“I will be pressing charges, Officer. I want to know why he did it. I was pushing him for answers he didn’t want to give. Hopefully jail time will get him to spill.”

“Good,” Reyes says. “I didn’t want to have to talk you into it. I don’t like to see a fellow officer dealing with the same shit we go on calls for day in and day out and then not press charges.”

I nod in understanding.

“What will happen to Rainey?” I ask.


“Ms. Thompson,” I clarify. “My father’s…companion.”

“She had a lot of warrants out for her arrest. Several unpaid traffic violations and one failure to respond to a jury summons. That’s just to start. She’ll be held pending arraignment unless someone comes to bail her out.”

I sigh. Rainey. Is she one of the good guys or one of the bad guys? I’m not sure whether she knows herself. I chose not to mention that she held the gun on my father and me first and that she let him lead me to the basement at gunpoint. She’s got enough problems. All I can do now is wish her well.

Miles squeezes my hand. “You okay?”

I glance his way, take in his concerned pale eyes. “Not in the slightest, but I will be.” I sigh again. “I had lunch with Rainey today. She almost had me convinced she was a good person. I’m a detective. I should have known better. ”

“Part of her probablyisa good person.” Miles cups my cheek. “I think maybe you wanted to see something good in her. Or more accurately, you wanted to see something good in your fatherthroughher. You didn’t do anything wrong, Sadie. You were just being a daughter.”

I shrug and glance down. “I’m glad you think so.”

“I know so. You’re a great detective.”

“I agree with Mr. Bridger.” Reyes offers me a smile when I look his way. “Some of the most seasoned law officers couldn’t have gotten out of the situation you were in today. Especially with a relative involved.”

I nod. “That means a lot to me. Thank you.”

“Is there anything else you need, Officer?” Miles asks. “Because if there isn’t, I’d like to get this lady home.”

“I think that’s good for now. I’ll need you both to be available for questioning as necessary.”

“Absolutely. Whatever you need.” Miles pulls me to my feet. “Let’s get out of here, baby.”



Holy shit.I think I aged ten years in the past two hours. Sadie can take care of herself. I’ve only known her a few days and she’s done a good job so far, but shit… Dealing with a deranged, gun-wielding father and then shooting him to save herself?