Page 60 of Flawed

Mr. Shankle walks toward me, his hand outstretched. I take it and force myself to give a good firm shake. I learned long ago that, because I work in a field dominated by men, I need to give a strong handshake.

Louisa, the housekeeper, bustles in from the kitchen, her hair wrapped up in a tidy bun. “Ms. Hopkins, good to see you again. Can I get you two anything to drink?”

Only then do I notice the tall glasses of fresh lemonade sitting on the coffee table in front of each person.

“I could sure use a beer right about now,” Miles says, “but I’m thinking it’s better to keep my wits about me.”

Austin gives him a smile. “I think we could all use a drink, but this lemonade’s pretty good.”

“You got a shot of Jack to put in that?” Miles asks Louisa.

She begins to respond but Miles gestures her to stop.

“I’m kidding, of course. Maybe after dinner, though.” He turns to me. “You want some of that lemonade?”

I nod. I’m not a huge lemonade fan—it’s a little sweet for me—but if I try to talk, I may choke or stammer.

“I’ll get you each a glass right away.”

“Thanks, Louisa,” Miles says.

I open my mouth to mumble a thank you, but only a squeak ekes out.

Yeah, I need to keep quiet until I’ve got a handle on myself.

Miles tightens his arm around me, holds me close. “Come on. Let’s have a seat.”

Mr. Shankle and Chance are sitting in the two armchairs, a lamp table between them. To the right, Carly and Austin sit on the sofa. That leaves the loveseat for Miles and me, across from Mr. Shankle and Chance.


And it hits me. Just with that word.


I’ve fallen in love with Miles Bridger.

It’s not because I’m in a needy place right now, though I am.

And it’s not because he’s the most talented lover I’ve ever had, though he is.

It’s because there was something between us—something more than the pure physical chemistry we share—from that very first night at Jody’s.

I felt it then, and all it’s done is grow.

I love this man. I flick my gaze to him. Big. Brawny. Protective.

But honestly? I can’t give him what he needs right now. If he even wants a relationship. He’s been pretty clear about his past, although he also said it’s different with me.

Hell, look at what his family is going through. Look at whatmyfamily is going through. My father may be a dickhead of the first degree, but he just lost his only son. I lost a brother. My mother lost her firstborn child.

God, my mother. I’ve got to talk to my mother.

Miles takes my hand and entwines his fingers through mine. He’s making it clear that we’re together, and I like the feeling. I need to belong to someone right now. It helps.

Carly’s eyes snag on our joined hands and smiles.

“I’ve been telling your brothers,” Mr. Shankle says, “that I can check on the names involved with the EPA investigation first thing tomorrow morning. These are government workers, so no one’s answering the phone today.”