Page 45 of Flawed

We’ve spent most of our time since we met being mad at each other. It seems like everything is a total shit show right now. And we’re barely keeping our heads above all the mess.

And now this. The worst of all.

Her brother’s dead. On our ranch. Killed by someone.

“Listen, Hopkins,” Peterson says, clearly trying—and failing—to look contrite. “I didn’t mean to lay this on you like that.”

Without letting go of Sadie, I turn my gaze on him. “The hell you didn’t. It’s Saturday night, for God’s sake. We’re at a pool hall, not on the fucking clock. Did you even know about her brother?”

He shrugs. “No. I mean, maybe. Yeah, she might have mentioned it. That’s how she decided to enter the police academy.”

“I’m okay, Miles,” Sadie says against my shoulder.

Thank fuck she believes me about Rhonda and the baby. I want to be here for her and have nothing like that mess between us. Not any longer. The fact that she’s seeking comfort in me is proof she’s let it go. Or that she needs me no matter what clusterfuck stands in our way.

“You’re a piece of work, Peterson.” I shake my head.

“Look.” Peterson clears his throat. “This is just as big a surprise to me as it is to any of you.”

“Doubtful,” I add.

“But crime doesn’t take time off. Did you want me to wait until Monday morning to tell you?” he asks Sadie.

“No. I’m glad you told me. I’m just…surprised.”

He nods, clearly satisfied by his action now that Sadie has validated it.

“I’m going to need to know, Bridger. Did your father have any dealings with Joseph Hopkins?” His question is aimed my way, lobbed like a grenade.

“Like I’d know!” I snap. “How many times do I have to tell you? I never even met the bastard.”

“What’s going on here?”

I turn to see my half brother, barrel-chested and huge, join us. He has his usual pissed-off look on his face and it’s well aimed at Peterson.

“Bridger,” Peterson says.

“Detective.” Chance waves to Jed and jiggles his empty glass.

“I was just telling Miles and Sadie here that we got the ID on the body at your place.”

Jed hands Chance a refill on his tonic water, and Chance takes a sip. He glances at me and then at Sadie, who’s in my arms. If he’s surprised to see her in my embrace, he doesn’t show it.

“Don’t keep me in suspense,” Chance says.

“It’s Joseph Hopkins. Sadie’s brother.” Peterson darts arrows at Chance with his eyes. “I don’t supposeyou’dknow anything about that?”

Chance looks to Sadie, his face softening. “Shit, sweetheart. I’m real sorry to hear that.” Then he glances back at Peterson, all kindness stripped away. “We’ve been over this before. I don’t like what you’re insinuating—that I had anything to do with it, a relation of Sadie’s or not.” Chance gulps down the rest of his tonic.

I don’t like what Peterson’s laying down either. Chance may be a giant pain in my ass but he’s a good man. A damned good man. There’s no way he’d kill someone.

Sadie is still glommed onto me, and I have to admit, she feels damned good in my arms. I like comforting her, when we’re not pissed at each other for stupid shit. But this? Her missing brother dead onourland? That’s not stupid shit. It’s a big fucking deal, and one hell of a coincidence.

Damn, the feelings she’s bringing out in me… It’s disturbing…and I like it. I like it a lot. She didn’t tell me a lot about her brother, just that he was ten years older and they weren’t close. That she hadn’t seen him in years.

“Like it or not,” Peterson goes on, “that body was found on your property. It will be investigated to the fullest extent of the law. Sadie’s brother deserves justice.”

“How do you know—” I stop abruptly.