Page 35 of Flawed

“I’m not your mom or any of the other women you’ve been with.”

I look her over, remembering what every dip and curve of her body looks like. Tastes like.

“I’m well aware of that.”

“Then don’t treat me like them.”

I nod, and then I lower my head to brush my lips across hers.

They’re soft and perfect, just as I remember.

My cell chimes in my pocket. A text.

I sigh, pull it out. Read the screen.

This is Rhonda. You hung up on me, so I’m texting. I’m pregnant. The baby’s yours.

“What the fuck?” I rake my fingers through my hair, my entire body going numb.

Sadie grabs my wrist to look at my phone.

She steps back, her eyes wide, and all heat from just a few seconds ago is gone.

“Yeah, Miles. What the fuck?”



This is Rhonda.You hung up on me, so I’m texting. I’m pregnant. The baby’s yours.

Already I’ve committed the text to memory. The words pound into my brain in synchrony with my heartbeat.

This can’t be happening, especially after the fight we just had.

“This is bullshit.” Miles paces the room. I’ve seen him angry before, but this is a whole new level. “We used protection.”

“Yeah?” I whip my hands to my hips. I don’t like hearing about the guy I’m into talking about sleeping with another woman. And impregnating her. “Let me guess. ‘Don’t worry, baby. I’m on the pill. I’ve got it covered.’”

Miles stops and meets my gaze, his blue eyes on fire. “I don’t go out in a storm without a raincoat. Ever.”


“Raincoats sometimes have holes in them,” I counter. We used condoms last night, thank God.

“Jesus Fuck! That’s not the same and you know it.”

“Do I?”

He rakes his hand through his hair, holding it back for a moment. “I hardly remember her, Sadie.”

Just what I want to hear.

“Great. That makes me feel a lot better. You liked her enough to fuck her but not enough to remember her. Plus, if you can’t remember the woman, how can you be sure you put on a condom?”

His gaze narrows. “Because Ialwaysput on a goddamned condom! I put one on with you, didn’t I?”

Damn. I feel like someone just lodged a bullet right in the middle of my heart. Didn’t he just say I was different? That he was feeling something more? But now I’m in the same category as Rhonda, whoever the hell she is. Just some woman he put a condom on for because that’s what he always does. He needs that thin latex barrier not only as protection from an STD and a baby, but from getting too close to a woman.