Page 103 of Someone to Hold

“We’re on Team Gage. Always have been, always will be. You made our daughter very, very happy and were a wonderful father to our granddaughters. We want you to be happy. You deserve that.”

Damn if she doesn’t have me in tears. “You’re the best person I know, and I never would’ve gotten to where I am now without your love and support.”

“Sure, you would have. You’re a survivor.”

“You showed me how it’s done.”

“Oh Lord,” she says, huffing out a laugh. “I don’t know about that.”

“It’s true.”

“We got through it together. Somehow. Now we’ve just got to deal with the sentencing after the first of the year, and we can put that part of it behind us, too.”

“I told you I’m willing to handle that if you want to skip it.”

“Not happening, my friend. We’re in it for the long haul, and we’ll see it through to completion right there with you.”

“Can’t wait to see you and make some new memories.”

“Likewise, my love. Keep me posted on your plans and send me the info about the kids. I can’t wait to go shopping. It’s been too long.”

“Will do. Love you forever, Mimi.”

“Love you right back. Forever and a day.”

After we end the call, I take a minute to absorb the love and devotion I always get from her, and then I suddenly decide I want to write about it. With thirty minutes until my going-away party, I open my laptop and start typing an Insta post about my amazing mother-in-law and how she’s made such a difference to me on my grief journey.

Husbands love to disparage their mothers-in-law. Often their MILs give them good reason to by butting into things that are none of their business or criticizing the raising of their grandchildren. My mother-in-law has never been anything but a delight to me since the day I met her. She’s been a friend and trusted confidant since long before we suffered the worst loss of our lives. Mimi is a big part of the reason my life didn’t completely fall apart when I lost Nat and the girls. She was a rock to me before that awful day, and she’s been right there for me every day since. Today, I told her some big news. I’m seeing someone new, and as always, Mimi responded with love and support and the same unwavering devotion she’s shown me since the day we first met. Mimi, I love you. Forever and a day.

I find some photos of her with Nat and the girls and one of Mimi and I together, and I add them to the post. After including the usual hashtags, I click the button to make it live. It’ll be a big deal to my followers to hear I’m seeing someone new, and I fully expect a flood of comments about that. Maybe I should’ve told Iris about it beforehand.

I give her a quick call.

“Hey,” she says, sounding out of breath.

“What’re you up to?”

“I was doing yoga.”

“Oh, good, that’s better than hearing your boyfriend is there.”

“Haha, very funny. What’s up?”

“So I did a thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I told Nat’s mom about you and the kids.”

“Oh. Wow. That’s a big thing. How’d it go?”

“She’s very happy for me and can’t wait to meet you guys.”

“That’s great, Gage. I’m glad she was supportive. What brought this on?”

“I told her I was hoping to bring you guys with me for a visit during Christmas break. If you’re up for it, that is.”

“A trip to Florida in the winter. Hmmm, let me think about that. I’m up for it.”