Page 94 of Someone to Hold

“No, it’s Gage, but I do love a good nickname.”

“I need to get tested for STDs.”

“Um… what?”

“What if Mike brought something home to me?”

“Jeez, Iris.”

I turn over and sit up, tucking the sheet under my arms to cover my breasts. “And now I’ve exposed you.”

“Haven’t you been to the doctor since Mike died?”

“Yes, but she probably didn’t test me for STDs because my husband was dead.”

“I’ll bet she did, and you didn’t even know it. Do you have access to your medical record online?”

“I do.”

“Go ahead and check before you panic.”

I reach for my phone on the bedside table and open my health chart to scroll through the most recent entries. “She did test me for everything.” I expel a sigh of relief. “Sorry for the early-morning freak-out.”

“It’s okay.”

“None of this is okay.” My chin quivers as I try to contain emotions that are equal parts embarrassment and outrage. How dare Mike do this to me?

“Come here.”

I snuggle up to Gage and make myself comfortable in his embrace. “I’m sorry. That’s a heck of a thing to wake up to after having sex with someone.”

“I’ve already forgotten it.” His hand moves over my back in slow, caressing strokes that help to ease my tension.

“I’m so angry with him.”

“Rightfully so.”

“I’ve been so sad and heartbroken since he died, and now that’s morphed into this all-consuming anger.”

“I’d be surprised if you weren’t furious.”

“How could he do this to me? To his kids?”

“I wish I knew. Anyone who has you has it all.”

“You really think that?”

“I really do.”

I’ve started to feel a little better when my phone rings. I pull back from Gage to reach for it and sit up when I see my mother-in-law’s name on the caller ID. “I have to take this.”

“Go ahead.”

“Hi, Kathy.”

“Iris… Honey, I’ve been thinking of you nonstop this week since the news came out about the NTSB and then this other situation.”

“Thank you.” Calling Mike’s second family an “other situation” amuses me in a macabre sort of way.