Page 92 of Someone to Hold

“Maybe she did,” I say. “I’m going to text her to tell her we’re thinking of her and would love to see her if she wants to come back.” I send the text before I can talk myself out of reaching out to her.

“Let us know if she replies,” Roni says.

“I will. I feel for her, even if sometimes I didn’t like her very much.”

“Agreed,” Derek said. “No one deserves what she’s going through.”

“None of us deserve any of the shit we’ve been dealt,” Gage says.

“True,” Roni says. “I’ve been having a rough time of it since the first anniversary of Patrick’s death. I keep having these dreams that he’s come back, and I have to choose between him and Derek.”

My heart breaks for her. “Oh, that’s awful, honey.”

“It’s been pretty awful,” Roni says, “but Derek has been a saint.”

“I haven’t done anything you wouldn’t do for me,” he says as he brings the SUV to a stop in my driveway.

I lean forward to give Roni’s shoulder a squeeze. “Call me if you need to talk. I’m always here for you.”

“Likewise, my friend,” she says.

“Get those boobs home to Dylan,” I call to her as I get out of the vehicle.

I leave her laughing as I close the door and take the hand Gage extends to me. I can’t wait to spend this night wrapped up in him.


“I love them together,”I say the second the door closes behind Iris.

“Me, too.”

“I have never seen Gage smile like he did tonight. Between this thing with Iris and selling his company, he’s like a new man.”

“I thought the same thing.”

“It’s nice to see people who truly deserve a second chance getting one with each other.”

“Like us.”

“Just like us.”

I’m appalled when my eyes flood with tears that just won’t stop this week, no matter what I do. I should be on top of the world after getting engaged to Derek and finally allowing our relationship to become physical during the beach getaway. Everything is great, but the ache I feel for Patrick is unrelenting. I tried to hide it from Derek, but he’s too perceptive.

I swipe at the tears, praying they’ll stop before we get back to his place, where our wonderful nanny is watching Maeve and Dylan.

“I see you over there,” he says softly.

“I wish it would just stop.”

“It’s never going to stop, Roni. For the rest of your life, you’re going to miss Patrick and mourn his loss.”

“But does it have to be so intense the same week I agree to marry you?”

“Maybe that’swhyit’s so intense. Did you ever consider that?”

“I don’t want it to be this way.”

“If you find a way to manage the grief on your timetable, I sure as hell hope you’ll share that mojo with me.”