Page 23 of Someone to Hold

You know what I mean.

I do, but you’ve only added another element to something that was already there. It’s not like you’re starting from scratch with him.

I guess… Anyway, I don’t mean to bug you when I’m sure you’ve got far better things to do now that you’re doing the deed with D.

Hahaha, I have to take a night off, or I’m going to need physical therapy.

LOL. I hear you. I was worried Gage might find bats in the tunnel cuz it’s been so long.

OMG, stop! LOL

I send her bat emojis and get back laughing emojis.

If you want him, invite him over. I give you permission.

You’re a terrible enabler.

I want all my friends to be happy. I’d love to see you two happy together.

It’s not like that for us. It was just sex.

Hmmmmmm. If you say so.

He means a lot to me—and he did long before this weekend. If he says he’s not ready, then I have to respect that. I’d hate to do anything to mess with the friendship.

I hear you, and I get it. I’m only saying that if you wanted to invite him over, you could.

LOL. The weekend was fun. Ten minutes after I got home, I wanted to turn around and go back. The kids were extra needy.

Aw, they missed you.

They did. And Rob was here when I got home. He took over from my parents.

That was nice of him, right?

He’s great with them. They adore him.


I just hope he’s not thinking there’s going to be something between us. I might be reading it wrong, but there’s a vibe…

Yikes. What do you do about that?

I don’t know! I rely on him so much, but I don’t want him that way, even though I probably should. How simple would that be?

If it ain’t there, it ain’t there.

WHAAAA, I don’t want to have to SAY that to him.

Maybe you don’t have to. Just don’t do anything to encourage it.

I never have. It’s just sort of evolved into a “situation.”

I’m sure you’ll find a way to handle it that makes sense for you and the kids—and him.

I hope so.

You will, Iris! You’re the one we all turn to about stuff like this. You always have the answers.